EP.115|I'm Human Again!

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EP.115|I’m Human Again!

“Oh, Carlos! Faster please!” CJ yelled out, her golden hair fanned out, her chest bouncing up and down.

“Fuck! Carlos!” CJ clutched the pillow, throwing her head back.

Carlos licked his lips, he loved it when she called out his name.

She begged for him to go faster, he wanted her to scream his name, he wanted to mark every inch of her body.

Carlos kissed her neck, CJ cried out in please, yelling his names to the gods.

“Carlos, touch me! Fuck me! Take me!” CJ gasped, Carlos bit down on her chest, her body flowing with pleasure.

She raked her fingers thru his hair, clutching his white locks

“Carlos! More!” CJ tightened around him, Carlos groaned out in pleasure.

“Fuck! CJ!” Carlos kissed her neck, leading down to her chest.

“I love you Carlos!” CJ called out, she gasped, the both reaching their end point.

“That...was...amazing…” CJ breathed heavily.

“I told you I’d mark you everywhere.” Carlos licked over his mark on CJ’s neck, CJ gasped.

“You’re mine now CJ.” Carlos growled, CJ smiled and kissed him. “Always. I’ll always be yours.”

“HELLO?! Dog boy! Get up!” Pan yelled, Carlos opened his eyes and growled. “What do you want?” Carlos grimaced.

“I’d thought you would like to see how your mate doing, being away from you and all, she isn't taking mate withdrawal so well.” Pan chuckled.

Carlos looked at the orb Pan was watch the VK’s from to see CJ shivering.

“Dammit! I should be there keeping her warm! Why aren’t I there!” Carlos scowled. “You’re the one who decided to leave the island.” Alvarez told him.

“I promise CJ, we’ll be together soon.”

CJ shivered, her and the VK’s were on a boat on their way to the Villain Isles, she could hear Carlos’s voice in her head.

“Carlos…” CJ muttered. “You miss him huh?” Operetta asked as CJ nodded.

“It’s freezing! When I was with him, everything was warm as a summer day. Now, it’s cold like fucking winter.” CJ growled.

“I want to be in his arms again, I want to hold his hand, kiss his lips, I want that mark on my neck not this one!” CJ growled deeper.

“Stupid mark!” CJ wanted to be surrounded in her mate’s warmth.

She wanted his warm arms around her waist, his lips on hers, her hands running down his abs.

“CJ! Snap out of it!” Hunter snapped his fingers in her face. CJ growled and grabbed her sword.

“Don't test me today demon!” CJ pointed her sword at his chin.

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