EP.30|Raymond's Back? Wait, Who Is Raymond?

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EP.30|Raymond’s Back?! Wait, Who Is Raymond?

“I’ll be right back.” Evie went outside very quickly and searched thru the crowd of people till she reached the so called “Raymond”. But who was this Raymond? Let’s see, shall we?

“Why are you here?” Evie asked rudely.

Raymond is a tall and lanky boy with turquoise eyes and hair. His hair sweeps slightly to the left, just barely covering his eye.

He wore a pair of grey dress pants and a loose black turtleneck with an open silver suit. Along with his grey boots, he wears a necklace, which is generally silver.

“I’m back for you my Blue Princess.” Raymond replied, pulling her in close. “You know damn well we broke up a year ago. You know we both moved on. You can’t even be here.” Evie scolded as Raymond pulled Evie into on of the supply closets.

“I don't care if you want me here! I’m here now and that’s all that matters.” Raymond equally scolded, pushing her to the wall. “I’ll call the police like I did last time!” Evie warned.

“No, you won’t! You damn girl!” Raymond hand firmly wrapped around her neck, squeezing it. “I-I...ca-cant bre-breath…!” Evie struggled to say.

“Good, this is what you get for running away!” Raymond squeezed harder. Evie tried reach for her wand but Raymond grabbed it. “Not this time sweetie.” Raymond smirked as he snapped the wand in half.

Evie’s eyes widened.

“R-Ray-Raymond.” Evie struggled to breathe. Raymond then let go of her neck, she quickly picked up the piece of her wand. Hoping she could fix it. “Get up.” Raymond demanded, kicking Evie in to he stomach.

“I-If...if yo-you wan-want the money...just give me time…” Evie coughed, blood spilling from her lip. “I give you time!” He yelled, punching her in the face. “Please! I just need a little more time!” Evie cried, her hand covering her left eye that was swelling up.

“You get my money tonight or bad things will happen.” He warned as he left the supply closet. Evie sat in the corner of the closet, crying her eyes out. “How did we get here?” Evie sobbed.

It all started 2 years ago

“Mamā...what’s wrong?” Evie asked as she watched her mother, Esther Queen, stressed over the family business. “We can’t pay rent, again.” Esther sighed. “Maybe, we can get a loan from the bank?” Evie guessed. “No, Evie. The bank won't accept loans.” Esther buried her face in her arms.

“You know, you’re father did all this.” Esther muttered. “I know. I miss him too.” Evie placed her hand on Esther’s shoulder. “I told you Mamā, I can sell some of designer clothes.” Evie added. “No, no. I don't want you to do that.” Esther sighed.

“Hey, maybe we can ask Raymond.” Evie suggested as she pulled out her phone. “There.” Evie smiled as she check back at her phone to see Raymond responded. “Oh course, anything you need Evie.” Evie read aloud.

“Thank you so much.” Esther hugged her daughter. “You think papi’s coming back soon?” Evie asked. “I really hope so.” Esther answered.

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