EP.51|The last Person, I Ever Wanted To See

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EP.51|The last Person, I Ever Wanted To See

Hunter's eyes fluttered open. He looked around to see he was in a beautiful fluffy golden cloud room. "Hey, kid, over here." A voice called out as Hunter looked behind him to see somebody he never thought he sees ever again.

His Father


"Hello, son." Gaston smiled spreading his arms wide open for a hug.

He possessed an extremely athletic build, a double square chin, and possessed a handsome appearance. His black hair was long and tied into a ponytail. He has icy blue eyes. He generally wore yellow hunting gloves. He also wore a red tunic and black tights, alongside boots.

Hunter walked up to him, but instead of a hug. He punched in the gut. Repeatedly. "You...mother fucking...bitch!" Hunter yelled as he kept punching him until Gaston landed on the floor. "Okay...I deserve that..." Gaston groaned. "You damn right you deserved that! Where the fuck have you been! I know you didn't die cause if you did where's the stab wound huh?!" Hunter yelled, resting his foot on Gaston's chest.

"Your right, I didn't die." Gaston groaned. "Then where the fuck was you?! Farrah's been worried sick about you!" Hunter growled, stomping on his chest. "Look, calm the hell down." Gaston then grabbed Hunter foot and flipped him over, holding him by his foot. "Put me down! You douche!" Hunter yelled, trying to free himself from his father's graph.

"Just calm down, I'm here cause you want me to be here." Gaston sighed. "Why in the god's name would I want you here! I would rather see Thanos than you!" Hunter yelled. "I see him every Tuesday in space poker. Nice guy. Really bad sportsmanship though, trust me. You want me here." Gaston explained.

"Drop me, idiot," Hunter growled as Gaston shrugged and dropped him into a black hole. "OH FUCK YOU!!!" Hunter yelled as Gaston counted down from 3 to one and then appeared next to Hunter, who was still falling, completely fine.

"So, how are you?" Gaston smirked, drinking coffee. "Oh, I'm just peachy, if you haven't noticed I'M FALLING!!!" Hunter yelled. "Well, you did say to drop you." Gaston chuckled.

"I DIDN'T MEAN DROP ME IN A BLACK HOLE!!!" Hunter yelled. "Fine, since you wanna be picky. Gods kids these days." Gaston snapped his fingers and the two were back on the fluffy gold cloud space.

"Now, if we're done here. I am gonna take my leave." Hunter hmphed as he walked towards the exit on the bump into the wall. "You can't leave," Gaston said, drinking more coffee. "Watch me," Hunter growled as he kicked the exit only to be sent flying by a shock of electricity. "Ready to listen to me?" Gaston asked.

"Fine. What do I need to do?" Hunter asked, getting up and dusting off his clothes. "You need to listen," Gaston said, sitting next to Hunter. "Why would I ever listen to you?" Hunter scoffed. "Believe me. You wanna hear this." Gaston sighed.

"I'm the reason you have a demon," Gaston added as Hunter punched him in the gut again, knocking him to the floor.

"You're the reason I "killed" Music Note!" Hunter screamed. "Who's Music No- Oh...Operetta. Phantom's kid." Gaston nodded slightly. "How do you know Operetta?!" Hunter yelled. "I know everything about you. I've been inside your brain your entire life." Gaston shortly explained. "You...what?" Hunter asked as Gaston got up.

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