EP.184|A Break From The Pain

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EP.184|A Break From The Pain
⊱ ────── {.⋅✯⋅.} ────── ⊰
“Ben,” Hunter whispered, he didn't know what time it was but it was too late since everyone was asleep. Ben growled and hissed at Hunter for waking him up “Benny sleeping…”

“I don't give a shit!” Hunter hissed. Ben sat up and rubbed his eyes “what…” he groaned. “Flash me into Operetta’s box. Something’s wrong with her, I can feel it.”
He looked at Operetta to see was holding her stomach, groaning softly. “I only did it when I was angry but I can try…” Ben closes his eyes shut, focusing. When he opened them, Hunter was in Operetta’s box.
“Operetta,” Hunter rushed to his side, “what’s wrong?”
Operetta didn't answer but turned to her side, holding her stomach. “It hurts...she’s hurting…” Operetta cried, her stomach was hurting and it was the baby talking to her.
He put his ear to her stomach, the heart beat was very slow. He lifted up Operetta’s shirt, her stomach was green and blue “internal bleeding…”
“Hunter…” she looked at him, shaking her head “the baby...it’s gone…”
The words echoed through his head “our baby...she’s gone…?” Operetta nodded sadly, crying into Hunter’s arms,
He was still in shock, he was so excited to be a father, he got a little onesie for the baby that said “Don't Mess With Me, My Daddy’s A Demon!”he wanted to show the baby how cool he was.
He even built the baby bassinet.
He could believe it, he was so excited to be a father and have a kid. All that hope was gone in an instant…
Hunter shot up, breathing heavily, “Operetta,” he was finally in the same box as her, luckily, Ben flashed him in, “Operetta, wake up,” Hunter shook his girlfriend.
She groaned and turned to her side, “Hunter, shh…it's nighttime.” Hunter rolled her eyes, shaking her more. Operetta sat up “now I’m awake.” she yawned, she noticed Hunter’s eyes were watery.
“Hunter,” she scooted closer “what’s wrong? Did you have another nightmare?” Operetta began to worry a little.
Hunter stared into her eyes, he didn't care if they forced him to tell the truth, all he cared about was looking into her eyes.
He pulled her in for a hug, surprising her to say the least “I love you.”
Operetta smiled and hugged him back “I love you, too,” she felt the baby kick “yes, I love you as well.”
Hunter put his hand on her stomach “she’s gonna be amazing.” he kissed his lover’s lips, raking his hands through her, now short, red hair.
“She’s gonna have you beauty,” her kissed her cheeks “and our strength,” his trailed lowered down to neck, “he’s gonna have your eyes,”
Operetta smiled and traced her fingers down his chest “well, he’ll be just like you too.”
“He’ll…” he then thought about Operetta’s words.
“She’s having twins you idiot!” Brazzan scolded, laughing a little.
“You’re having twins!” he picked her up, spinning her around in glee. “Surprise!” Operetta laughed, hugging Hunter tightly.
“Operetta, I swear, after this is all over, I promise you I’m gonna be the best father to our kids.” Hunter promised, planting her face with butterfly kisses.
“You don't have to promise me, I already know you’re gonna be the best father ever.” Operetta smiled kindly. Hunter could feel his heart melt.
He put his ear against her stomach, he could heartbeats of his children. Hunter started to tear up. “Can you hear them?” Operetta asked. He nodded, “oh my gods...we’re having twins!”

“Yeah ya dummy.” Operetta chuckled, laying down again. “Now, it’s late, let’s just go to sleep.” Operetta yawned, quickly falling back to sleep.
Hunter, who couldn't sleep, just stroked her hair and smiled “you’re beautiful,” he took in her cherry blossom scent “never let anyone tell you other.”
“I know.”
“You can tell me you're awake,” Hunter muttered. “You say the sweetest things when you think I’m not listening.” Operetta curled up on his chest.
“Like the other day, you said I was the prettiest girl in the world, and that you would kill anyone who takes me away from you.” Operetta chuckled. “It’s cute.”
“You’re mine…” Hunter growled, holding her closer “you’re only mine…”
Operetta smiled “yeah, only yours…”
Carlos licked CJ wounds, CJ laughed, “Carlos,” CJ began, Carlos looked up at him “yes, Princesa?”
“Are you doing this because of the spray?”
“That wore off a long time ago.” Carlos mumbled.
“You’re doing because of what happened when you were on the spray.”
Carlos whimpered, “yeah…”
CJ kissed his forehead “I’m not mad!” she smiled up at him “I love you! You’re my one and only Carlos and nobody else.”
“How can you still say that?” Carlos muttered. “Because you’re my mate.” CJ smiled, falling asleep against the soft fur of her wolf.
“Humans don't have mates silly, there's so many of you.” Carlos chuckled. “I know but animalistic mate for life,” her hands traced through his fur “I’m with you for the long run.”
“You promise?”
“If I let mark me,” she kissed his cheek “do you think I don't love you?”
Evie watched as Jasper slept, he snored slightly, which Evie found absolutely adorable. She inched her fingers towards his scales, somehow, Jasper growled in delight. It was like he could feel her touch without her even touching him.
“How the…” Evie then noticed her shards lighting up. “Miss Evieanna…” the shards spoke in harmony.
“You and this dragon boy…? Are you two together?”
“Well duh!” Evie said a little too loudly, Jasper squinted his eyes “sorry darling.”

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