EP.56|Half Good Half Bad

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EP.56|Half Good Half Bad

“Ben, honey, wake up.”

Ben eyes fluttered opened as his vision started coming back to him. “What happened? Why does my head hurt?” Ben groggily asked.

“When I told you that your mom is half villain you passed out.” Heine said as she and Mal helped ben up. “So, if Belle’s part villain that means.” Ben started connecting the dots.

“You’re part villain kid.” Zypher said. “You knew?!” Ben yelled. “Yep. I was gonna tell you at the wedding but your Grandma kinda ruined that.” Zypher sighed. “H-Ho-How?!” Ben stammered.

“Your grandfather was a villain.” Heine said. “No...Grampa Devin was a villain?!” Ben yelled in shock. “Yep. His real name is Chernabog. The villain Fantasia story.” Henie smiled, remembering the good times.

“The ring you're wearing is the ring Chernabog gave me.” Heine said. “Wow, your half villain.” Mal chuckled, a little shocked by the news.

Ben stood quiet staring at the tea. “Ben, honey, are you okay?” Mal asked as the cup started shaking.

“Ben, hey answer me.” Mal gently placed her hand on his. Ben moved his hand away from her’s and placed the tea down, walking out of the house without saying a word. “Ben! Where are you going?!” Mal yelled after him as Ben drove off.

Mal bursted thru the bridal shop doors in a sense of panic. “Mal what’s wrong?” Evie asked as Mal started hyperventilating. “Ben...can’t find...Ben...ran off…” She managed to say.

“What do you mean?” Jasper asked, but Mal was to busy panicking to answer. “I...I...I…” Mal stammered. “Okay, Mal breathe. We’ll find Ben.” Freddie assured her.

“Ok-Okay.” She stuttered, tears forming in her eyes. “Okay everyone split up. He has to be somewhere.” Zeref said as he began naming places Ben might be.

“Carlos and CJ will check the school. Me and Freddie will check the arcade. Operetta and Hunter, you go check the ice cream parlor. Jasper and Evie, you two stay here and calm down Mal.” Zeref ordered as everyone split up.

“They’ll find him. I promise.” Jasper said, rubbing her back reassuringly.

“Good afternoon your majesty.” the receptionist bowed. “Good afternoon, I wish to speak to Belle Beauty.” Ben said as the receptionist nodded.

“She’s in cell 198.” she said as Ben walked to the back thru and arrangement of prisoners before arriving at cell 198.

“Mom.” Ben said as the cell opened and Ben entered, closing behind him. “How come you never told me I was part villain?” Ben asked as Belle sighed. “So Henie told you.” Belle said facing away from him.

“Yes, now face me.” Ben said in a tone. “I don't need to.” Belle hmphed. “Belle-” “I am your mother you will not call me by my first name.” Belle scolded.

“And I am you king Belle so I demand you to explain to me why you never told me that I’m part villain.” Ben scolded as well. “Your not king yet.” Belle reminded him in a agonizing tone.

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