EP.43|Dog Is Man's Best Friend

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EP.43|Dog Is Man’s Best Friend

“Why do you look so glum, Carlos?” 8 year old Jasper asked. “My mom is letting me get a pet, I don't know what pet to get.” 7 Carlos sighed, sitting in a tree next to Jasper. “You should get a Shadow Pet...oh...never mind…” 8 year old Zeref chuckled, petting his baby Cerberus. “What about a bear!” 9 year old hunter suggested. “Yes! Get a bear!” Jasper smiled as his snake, Nagini, slung over his arms like a boa scarf.

“No! My mom wouldn’t let me get a bear!” Carlos laughed. “What about a dog?” Zeref asked, pointing to the dog picture in the magazine. “Have you met my mother?” Carlos asked. “Oh...right….” Hunter chuckled. “Your mom has a dalmation, remember.” Jasper reminded him him. “Yes, Spots has been in our family since my Great Grandmother was a little girl.” Carlos shortly explained.

Carlos jumped down from the tree, soon he heard whimpering. “You heard that?” Carlos asked as he started running. “Carlos wait up!” Zeref called out as the three ran after him. “Carlos, stop running so fast.” Hunter said, out of breath, finally catching up to Carlos who was glaring at the 3 boys beating up a poor defenseless puppy.

“Hey! Leave it alone!” Carlos yelled. “Look, it’s the ugly little dog boy.” The 1rst boy scoffed, pushing Carlos. “Stop hurting that poor dog!” Carlos said, pushing back. “Oh? And if I don't?” The 2nd boy smirked, kicking Carlos to the ground. “Hey! He’s just trying to help the dog.” Jasper defended. “Why? This stupid runt is just a piece of garbage.” The 3rd boy said, holding the dog by its tail causing it to whimper.

“Stop it! You’re hurting it.” Carlos yelled, jumping up to grab the dog but they only moved it farther away from him. “Aww, look Zach, the little runt is standing up for the dog. How cute.” The first boy laughed as Carlos jumped up again but this time Zach punched him in the stomach. Zeref tried to help him but the two other boys held him, Jasper, and Hunter back.

They continued beating up Carlos and the poor dog, eventually dropping them both to the ground. Both Carlos and the dog were bruised everywhere. Jasper, Hunter, and Zeref picked up Carlos as the four walked into the forest. “The...dog…” Carlos managed to say thru the pain. “Zeref, go get the dog.” Jasper ordered as Zeref picked up the dog, the four walking thru the rain, finally reaching Carlos’s house.

Cruella answered the door, immediately shocked to see her son. “What the hell happened to him?” Cruella asked as she welcomed them inside.

Cruella is thin woman with curves, with pale skin and red lips. She has green eyes and eyelids. She has hair that reaches to her shoulders; two halves of her hair are of different colors, with the right side being black and the left side being white.

Cruella's usual attire is a simple black dress, red high heel shoes and black stockings, red opera gloves, large turquoise earrings and ring on her right hand, a cream fur coat with red interior and a matching purse with three foxtails

“We were playing and, HK’s attacked us.” Hunter answered, not wanting to bring up the dog who was hiding in Zeref’s satchel bag. “Fricken Heros. Always trying to one-up us.” Cruella growled, grabbing a purple liquid from the cabinet. “Carlos, come on, sit up.” Cruella said as Carlos sat up slowly. “M-Mom?” Carlos asked, rubbing his eyes.

“Yeah, your friends brought you back here. I thought I told you not to play by the border.” Cruella sighed as she passed Carlos the liquid. “Gods, this taste disgusting.” Carlos gagged. “Yeah, but the worst it taste the more it will help.” Cruella told him as she sat down next to him. “So why in the world did you four decide to play by the borders?” Cruella asked.

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