EP.50|I See Shadows In The Room

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EP.50|I See Shadows In The Room

Freddie walked down the dark hallway, it was only lit by ballet shoes on the walls with a purple soul flame lit formed into wings behind the shoes. “Cool.” Freddie chuckled as she reached a purple door, in front of it was 5 rows of tiles.

Freddie tapped the tip of her toe on the first tile making it light purple. “Oh, I see.” Freddie smiled as she started dancing on the tiles, dodging all of the boobytraps, finally reaching the door. “Cool, dance trap.” Freddie said, opening the door. “Thanks, I thought it be a good idea.” A voice thanked, Freddie knew that voice. “Mom? Acadia?” Freddie asked as she turned around to see her mother.

“Mom!” Freddie cried. “Greetings, Freddie.” Acadie smiled, hugging her daughter. “I missed you!” Freddie sobbed into her chest. “I missed you too darling.” Acadia smiled. “But, how are you here?” Freddie asked. “That book you have, the one that says Spirits of the Dead. Is one of the Ancient Pillar weapons. To keep the island alive and keep all the Villains on the Villain Isle alive I put my soul in the book.” Arcadia explained.

“So you had no choice?” Freddie asked, her voice breaking. “I didn’t want to leave you, honestly, you were just so cute and small. I wanted to see you grow up, but I couldn’t, I couldn’t face telling you and your father that I had to leave so I had to fake my death.” Acadia explained. “Oh...for me entire life I kept thinking that the Silver Cross Murderer, who is my boyfriend, killed you.” Freddie stated.

“Wait, you mean to tell me your dating the man who committed murder?” Acadia asked. “Yes.” Freddie answered, sweatdropped. “And who is your boyfriend exactly?” Acadia questioned. “Zeref Aidoneus.” Freddie replied. “Oh…my...gods! I owe Hades 20 jewels!” Acadia sighed.

“Woah, woah, woah, you and Hades betted on me and Zeref getting together?!” Freddie yelled. “Yeah, anyways, that’s not important. The important thing is that you two are together.” Acadia smiled. “I guess…” Freddie muttered. “What’s wrong?” Acadia asked. “Zeref got a letter last week from Hades, he wants to meet me…” Freddie buried her head in her arms.

“So? What’s the problem? Hades is a great guy.” Acadia said. “Yeah, but that was when you guys were my age. I’ve never met Hades. What if he doesn't like me? What if he thinks I’m not good enough for Zeref?” Freddie started to panic a bit. “Look, Hades is gonna love you, just be yourself. Don't do what I did when Facilier introduced me to his friends.” Acadia chuckled. “What happened that day  anyways? Dad says it was an “interesting” day.”

“2 weeks after we started dating was also the day he introduced me to his friends.” Acadia narrated.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” Acadia asked, laying down in her bed with Facilier. “Your just so pretty.” Facilier smiled as Acadia blushed a little. “Shut up.” She muttered into her pillow. “Aww, you so cute blushing.” Facilier gushed, poking Acadia’s cheeks, he could tell the red in her cheeks were darkening. “Stop it.” Acadia muttered again.

“Admit it, you like it when I flatter you.” Facilier chuckled, hugging Acadia. “Okay...maybe a little…” Acadia chuckled. “Told ya.” Facilier smirked, kissing Acadia’s shoulder making her wince a bit in pain. Facilier looked at her shoulder to see she still had bruises from when her boss would beat her at the bar.

“I’m sorry…” Facilier muttered. “Don't be, there was nothing you could do then.” Acadia said, facing him. “He still shouldn't have done that to you though.” Facilier sighed, holding onto her hand. “I know he shouldn’t have, but he did, it’s in the past Facilier. We can rewrite the past. All we can do now is focus on the future. And my future is you.” Acadia smiled, kissing her boyfriend.

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