EP.110|We Never Back Down!

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EP.110|We Never Back Down!

"Tyrock, where that Carlos friend you yours?" I thought you said he would "break us out"?" a large giraffe questioned. Tyrock opened his one good eye and looked at the giraffe.

"Okay, Gio," Tyrock began, getting Gio's attention "one, he is not my friend. And two, just because he said he was going to break us out, doesn't mean he's gonna keep his promise."

"Hey, when it comes to promises, I intended to keep them," Carlos smirked, appearing in Tyrock's cage as he emerged from the shadows.

"How did you get on the boat?" Tyrock asked. "I got my ways." Carlos winked. "Is it true you're gonna bust us out?" the white bunny in the cage on top of Tyrock's asked.

"You can count-" Carlos was soon interrupted by Tyrock "doubt it." Tyrock scoffed. "Why are you such a Gloomy Gus, Tyrock?" the bunny pouted.

"I don't know Snowball, why do you always have to look so fluffy?" Tyrock shot back. "You know I hate being called "fluffy"! You oversized Donkey Kong!" Snowball scowled.

"Oh, you wanna go?!

"Yeah, let's go!"

Snowball slipped thru the bars of her cage and dropped into Tyrock cage as the two began fighting.

Even though Snowball was only a bunny, she was holding her own against Tyrock.

"Don't you dare call me fluffy!" Snowball began kicking Tyrock in the face, sending him flying into the back wall of the cage.

Tyrock just smirked and wiped the blood off his lips "nice shot fluffy." this enraged Snowball.

"You oversized monkey!!" Snowball yelled, Tyrock glared at her and charged for Snowball at full speed.

"I'm not a monkey!" Tyrock lifted his fist, ready to punch Snowball as he changed for her. 

Right before the punches landed on Snowball, she smirked and quickly dodged the punch, making Tyrock punch the cage bars.

"My, my Tyrock. You can't even land one punch on me-" Snowball was cut off by Tyrock's large fist punching her face.

"You were saying?" Tyrock smirked smugly. Snowball scowled and got up, the two charged for each other once more.

But instead of punching, Snowball swept Tyrock's leg, causing him to fall. "Damn, how fast is this bunny?!" Carlos was amazed by how much speed Snowball had.

"She's a rabbit, they're known for having excessive speed and for mastering the martial arts," Alvarez informed him.

Carlos watched as Snowball and Tyrock continued to fight. He was in awe of the two animals and the strength they both had.

Snowball pinned Tyrock to the ground and folded his leg back "you gonna call me Fluffy?!" Snowball yelled. Tyrock just laughed and faced Snowball. "No way, fluffy."

Tyrock kicked Snowball off of him, her back hitting the ceiling, and dropping back to the floor. Snowball groaned and looked up to see Tyrock's fist coming down on her.

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