EP.180|The Eyes Are The Windows To The Soul

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EP.180|The Eyes Are The Windows To The Soul

"Which one should I do?" Araden spun the boxes stopping it when he reached Operetta "oh~ little miss Mommy of the Year."

"What makes you think you have the strength to last an entire year with these maniacs, chasing down the grail, fighting monsters, all with a little bun in your oven," Araden smirked, flashing into the box only to lift up Operetta's chin.

"My offer still stands, you join me and I offer safety for you and the little human." Araden wagered.

"I said no Araden," Operetta walked to the other side of the box, Araden pinned her to the wall "come on, forget about safety, I can give you more than that," Araden leaned in to whisper "way more than that little Hunter can."

"I'm perfectly fine with my Hunter!" Operetta stated, pushing Araden away from her.

"Little demon over there? Really? He's gonna be the father of your child?!" Araden burst out laughing "we both know Hunter wouldn't be a great father."

"What makes you say that?"

"Think about it Operetta," Araden flashed out of the box "before Hunter met you, he would sleep with hundreds of women, sneak out in the morning and never call them again."

Araden smirked, "who's to say he won't do it to you and the baby?"

She was hesitant with her answer "be-because! Hunter and I promised we'd be there for each other."

"A promise?" Araden rolled his eyes "promises are meant to be broken."

"Not this one!" Hunter yelled. "Shut it!" Araden scolded, holy magi flooding Hunter's box with holy magi, the demon screamed in pain.

"As I was saying, for all we know, Hunter could abandon ship as soon as the baby is born," Araden said. "He wouldn't leave me like that." Operetta stated.

"Well, he left you on the Demonic Islands," Araden countered "remember?"

"I remember," Operetta began, her eyes filled with rage "I remember you erasing all of my memories of my best friends and my boyfriend!"

"Don't forget the almost arrange marriage!" Hunter piped in.

"And Hunter has always been there for me! I don't know where you come from but in the Villain Iles, that's call commitment!" Operetta glared at Araden.

Araden was about to say something else but Operetta cut him off "and another thing! What happened to you Araden? I don't know why but something tells me you weren't always like this."

Araden growled, "you should know what happened to me."

"We don't though! So why don't you explain it to us," Operetta's voice softened "I know a part of you deep down doesn't want this chaos to continue."

Araden sighed, she was right, he really didn't want to hurt the VKs but they had to learn their lesson.

Araden looked into her eyes, something about made him want to spill out all his secrets.Damn it! Stop it Araden!

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