EP.150|The Demonic Dragon and the Knight

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EP.150|The Demonic Dragon and the Knight

Mal sniffed the air intensively, searching for her parents smell.

She then abruptly stopped when smelled the scent of alcohol, just any alcohol, bourbon.

Mal knew that bourbon was her father, Stefan, favorite drink.

“I fucking knew it! It would be Stefan who attacked mom.” Mal grumbled stomping towards the smell to see Nevermore trying to wake up the badly beaten Stefan by nudging her nose on his face.

“Nevermore! Get away from him!” Mal ordered, Nevermore began growling at Mal, breathing fire at her.

“Nevermore! What’s gotten into you!” Mal scolded, Nevermore’s tail pointed to Stefan.

“He didn't attack mom, did he?” Mal chuckled nervously, Nevermore shook her head. Real smart there, Mal. Nevermore sighed.

“Come on, we gonna get him some help.” Mal put Stefan on her back, carrying her towards Maleficent's castle to see a fight going on in the courtyard between Jeeves and Haydn. Jeeves fell to his knees screaming in pain.

“Jeeves?! Haydn?!” Mal yelled in shock. “Wow, who would've thought that Jeeves would be strong,” Haydn shrugged, “I guess that’s expected when you work for Maleficent.”

Jeeves got up, tears in his eyes “take back what you said about Miss Maleficent!” he screamed at Haydn.

 Haydn wrote something with his hand on Jeeves’ forehead, he screamed in pain until he fell, ultimately defeated.

Haydn then noticed Mal, Nevermore, and Haydn’s shocked faces. “How…” Mal stammered.

“Oh look, Maleficent couldn't handle me so she sent her daughter.” Haydn chuckled “this should be fun.”

“Yeah, it’ll be fun when I kick your ass.” Mal transformed into Zalia charging towards Haydn.

“Chaos Ruins: Wings!” Haydn chanted, wings appeared on his back, giving him the ability to fly away and evade Zalia’s poison claws.

“Stop moving! You insolent human!” Zalia turned her head, looking at him angrily, she extends out her own wings and speedily charged at him once more, this time managing to claw him twice.

“I will defeat you! Poison Steam!” Zalia vowed, she extended her hand forward, creating a multitude of hands, composed of poison energy towards Haydn.

He attempted to evade a couple, but still got hit by Zalia herself. She kicked him in the gut and then clawed him relentlessly.

Haydn flew away and Zalia chased him. I guess I have no other choice. Only a demon can beat a demon.

He lifted his hand in the air and yelled “Chaos Ruins: Dark Ecriture!” Haydn body became a dark-colored, demonic creature, with horns coming out of his head and his right eye covered with scales.

Their fists meet, the magic power was released destroying the ground around them, and they proceed with hand-to-hand combat.

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