EP.196|The Fates Decide

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EP.196|The Fates Decide
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The next morning, the girls decided to meet up in the hots springs the NPA held. Evie walked in to see Mal, Operetta, and CJ were chatting. Mal noticed her best friend walked, smirking as she noticed the difference in smell.
“Well, well, well, look at that, the mate of the fire dragon.” Mal snickered, Evie blushed, putting up her hair before discarding her robe.
“Let’s see the mark!” Operetta scooted towards her, moving the stands of dark blue hair to reveal her mark. It was a bright flame with a sapphire in the middle.
“Damn, he didn't just mark you, there are hickeys all down your body,” CJ chuckled, Evie’s blushed even more. “Ooh~ last night, Jasper was just...oooh! He was amazing!” Evie sunk down in the water.
“He decorated his father’s master bedroom in roses and lilies! It was amazing!”
Meanwhile, Jasper sat at the bar, telling the boys what happened last night.
“Well damn, Jasper! Don't go killing my wife’s best friend too much! She still needs to walk.” Ben laughed, patting Jasper on the back. “So what her mark look like?” Carlos asked.
“A flame surrounding a sapphire,” Jasper replied. “I’m proud of you Jasper,” Hunter smiled, ruffling Jasper’s hair, his head perked up when he felt Operetta enter the room.
“Oh joy, miss mate’s here…” Geyu groaned, rolling his eyes. “Hush, he loves Operetta more than anything,” Brazzan smirked.
“Good morning my demon.” Operetta whispered tenderly. “How were the hot springs?” He asked. “Relaxing.” CJ yawned, sitting in her boyfriend’s lap. “Hey, Carlos.” CJ sat in his lap.
Carlos licked his lips, resting his chin on her shoulder. He looked at her mark and smirked, licking it, CJ shivered. “Car-Carlos!” CJ squeaked, “look, baby, can we talk?” CJ leads him outside onto the patio.
“I thought you liked why I did that, I didn't think it be the reason you break up with me…” Carlos whimpered. CJ chuckled and kissed his lips, “break up with you? Please! I would never leave you!”
She sat on the railing, wrapping her arms around Carlos, “your mom told me you wanted to have kids with me. She said you were so scared to tell me because you thought I’d leave.”
“Are you?”
CJ giggled and shook her head, “no, I’m not leaving, Carlos I want kids with you too.”
“So, when should we start trying?”
“How about now?” CJ suggested. Carlos smirked and leaned in for a kiss, CJ smiled and kissed back, “I didn't mean right now.” CJ laughed, hooking her arms behind his neck. “Why…~” Carlos pouted, kissing her neck, CJ tilted her head, allowing more access “princesa~ I love you.”
“How much?” CJ smirked, his hands then ran up her thighs, gripping them slightly only to make CJ gasp in pleasure. “More than life itself,” Carlos kisses lead down to her chest, “more than I loved anyone.”
Her gripped her breast softly, knowing that was her weak spot, CJ tried to muffle a moan but Carlos was determined to make her scream his name. “CJ~” he purred in her ear, nibbling at her earlobe.

“Carlos,” Ben’s voice interrupted them. Carlos growled, holding CJ semi-close to him. “Will you chill? You can make out with CJ later, we need to visit Freddie.”
CJ murmured some curse words in Spanish, letting CJ hop down from the railing, “let’s visit Freddie he said…” Carlos muttered, passing by Ben who slapped him behind his head.
“Be nice,” Ben growled, Carlos didn't growl back because Alvarez and Carlos both knew Ben and Zypher were more dominant in away.
The group walked to the infirmary to see Freddie sitting by what seemed to be a large tank filled with bluish-green water. Inside the water, and unconscious Zeref floated.
“Freddie,” Mal said delicately, resting her hand on her shoulder, “how are you doing honey.”
“Fine, I guess…” Freddie sighed, her eyes were sunken, she looked like she hadn't slept in days. “Actually,” Freddie raked backed her hair “I’ve never been so worried about Zeref…”
“What’s wrong with him? Why is he in a tank?” Ben asked, tapping on the glass slightly. “According to Hades and Persephone, his immortality genes are on the haywire. It’s like it doesn't know if it wants to turn on or off.” Freddie explained.
“But shouldn’t the gene be off since he lost his immortality?” Operetta questioned. “That’s what I thought but by the looks of it, Zeref’s immortality isn't gone.” Freddie walked up to the tank, putting her hand on it.
“What’s with the water though?” Carlos climbed up the ladder against the tank, taking him to the top. He scooped some of the water in his hands, tasting it, “what kind of water is this?”
“It’s from the Acheron River, it has some certain healing property that numbs the pain Zeref’s body going through.” Freddie began to explain. “Pain? He’s asleep?” Operetta scoffed a little.
“He’s in a coma, the immortality genes is clashing with his other genes for dominance, causing the immense pain.” Freddie continued. “How long is this gonna last?” CJ asked. “I don't know until the gods decide what to do with him.” Freddie frowned.
“Actually, we can't decide this time,” Hades said, everyone looked towards the doorway to see Hades, Persephone, Lycia, Pain, and Panic.
“What do you mean you can't decide?” Freddie began to worry. “When an immortality case comes to the gods and goddess, the first time we can decide. When that same case comes to us, we have to send it to the Fates to decide.” Persephone explained.
“Who the hell are the Fates?” Freddie asked harshly. “Very high beings, they decide a lot of important decisions in our world,” Lycia said.
“So they’ll just come here and decide if Zeref gets his immortality! Easy peasy!” Freddie smiled. “Not so fast, Freddie,” Pain sighed, “the fates look over Zeref’s history, past, thought, memories, experiences, everything, to determine if he gets it back.”
“And if they see Young Master Zeref’s past where he killed Facilier Sr. they’re not gonna be so found on the idea of giving him immortality.” Panic warned.
“Okay, Zeref said he would find being just a mortal, at least the pain will stop.” Freddie shrugged. “No, Freddie, if they see that Zeref was an assassin and killed all those people, they’ll deem him unworthy of not only being a god but being alive in general.”
“So...you saying...Ze-Zeref could di-die?!”
“Yes, but-”
“No way! I’m not letting some weirdo fates kill my boyfriend for something he did in the past! He atoned for his sins, that has to mean something right?” Freddie felt the tears forming in her eyes.
“It might, but we have no clue what they’ll decide,” Hades said. “They’re arriving today at noon, we’ll do everything we can to make sure Zeref stays alive, immortality or not,” Persephone assured her, hugging Freddie.
Freddie sniffled and nodded, “thank you…”
The VKs and Zeref’s family left a while after, giving Freddie and Zeref some alone time. “I can't lose you Zeref…” Freddie muttered, sitting against the glass, “you’re the first person I’ve ever loved if I lose you I-I-I don't know what I’d do with myself.”
Freddie let the tears roll down her cheek, “I know you don't care if you’re immortal or not but you can end up dying…”
“But I won't stop fighting for you, I’ll show those fates your not the assassin you were before!” Freddie stood up, placing her hand where Zeref’s was, “I know you changed, we all do, but we just gotta show the Fates.”
Later on that day, Freddie stood by the NPA door with Hades and Persephone, waiting to welcome the Fates.
“Where are they?” Freddie tapped her foot impatiently. “They’ll be here, don't worry, everything will be okay.” Hades tried to assure the restless girl.
Freddie was about to say something else but a large gust of black wind interrupted her. Once the wind died down, 3 women stood before them.

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