EP.172|Center of My Nightmares

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EP.172|Center of My Nightmares——————————————————

The last thing Evie remembered before passing out was flames.

So. Many. Flames.

All coming from Jasper.

It wasn't like his normal flames that kept her warm on those cold winter night. No... these were threatening, fearful, vengeful, filled with hate and anger.

It shook her straight to her core.

As much as the flames scared her, she woke up to the delightfulness of Jasper's heat. A warm, calming heat, that took away all her worries and doubts.

"Jasper?" Evie rubbed her brown eyes, adjusting them to the lighting. Jasper grunted, something seemed different about him, she brushed his hair with her fingers, smiling softly at him.

Jasper was basically purring at her touch, it was almost like clouds, he never knew peace like this.

Jasper wrapped his arms around her tighter, growling in his sleep, it shocked Evie, it was almost like the Jasper she knew was still there but his appearance changed.

Her fingers traced over his newly doned red scales that peppered his mid tan skin. How long was I knocked out for? She chuckled quietly at her own thoughts.

"So, why didn't you tell me you were hiding this power?" Evie questioned in a joking way. "Why didn't you tell me you got up." Jasper blinked his eyes open to reveal his ruby red, dragon shaped eyes,

Evie flinched every slightly at his touch "I'm still Jasper, don't worry, I just have new eyes and some new powers."

"Prove it."

Even though his eyes changed color, he would never lose that pervy look in his eyes when Evie muttered those words.

He squeezed her breast, kissing her neck. "Ja-Jasper!" a red blush appeared on her face. Did she always smell this good! Jasper found himself sniffing the crook of her neck.

He could feel his fangs growing. Shit...no, not now, I wanna do it properly! He self scolded.

"I-I-I...um...Jas-Jasper?" he stopped when he heard the concern in her voice. He looked up to see Kuno standing at the doorway.

"Awe, how cute." Kuno gagged "it makes me sick."

Jasper's flames sprouted again, acting as a barrier between Kuno and Evie. She closed her eyes in fear of getting burned, but it was quite the opposite, she wasn't burned, it was like a big warm hug that sheltered her.

"Get out." Hunter growled, standing behind Kuno, a dark aura surrounding him. Kuno gulped slightly, but with his large ego, he scoffed and walked off into the lounge.

"Thanks Hunter." Jasper smiled, the flames dying down. "No problem." Hunter winked, "how you feeling Evie?"

"Better, thanks." Evie smiled. "Don't worry about Kuno, the idiot won't be bothering you," Hunter glared at Kuno "right?"

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