EP.157|Only You Can Change Your Destiny

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EP.157|Only You Can Change Your Destiny

Even though Ben’s parts were heros, not Belle though, she’s only half, doesn't mean he didn't have family in the Villain Isles.

He had his Grandma Heine.

Ben didn't bother running as a human, instead, he turned into his lion form and darted through the forest until he reached a large grass field.

He turned back into his human form and walked inside, hoping that his dear grandma wasn’t hurt. He slowly opened the door, an odd creaking sound came from the floor once he stepped on it.

“Grandma? Grandma Heine?” Ben walked further into the house to hear groaning. He ran into the back room to see Heine under a ton of wooden beams.

“Grandma!” Ben quickly moved the beams off of Heine to see blood was gushing from her stomach “Ben…” Heine rasped. “Yeah, I’m here grandma.” Ben’s eyes started to tear up.

“Remember, that night...me, you, and Lucifer, went to go see...your grandpa?” Heine coughed up blood. “Yeah, I do.” Ben sniffled. “Tell it to me again, I love that story…” Heine smiled weakly.

It was a cool autumn night, Heine, Ben, and Lucifer sat in the train car. Both boys slept on Heine’s lap. She smiled, they’re so cute when they’re asleep.

She sighed, she wanted to savor the moment she had left with her boys. Heine knew what would happen in the future between the boys and she knew she couldn't stop it “why can't you just stay little forever?”

Once the train stopped, Heine woke up the boys who were still groggy and tired “come on, boys, get up, we gotta go see your grandpa Chernabog.” Heine carried Ben on her back while Lucifer walked beside her, holding her hand.

“Grandma Heine,” Lucifer yawned “how come mommy didn't come with us to visit grandpa?” “Because,” Heine sighed, “your mom is ashamed at the fact she’s part villain.”

“Why?” Lucifer asked. “Because your mom is stupid.” Heine said simply, Lucifer chuckled. 

“Then, does that mean she’s ashamed of me?” Lucifer sulked. “Look, your mom is a...difficult person...but deep down she loves both you and Ben.” Heine smiled at him.

The trio then reached a small house in the middle of a grass field “Chernabog?” Heine called out, she was then picked up off the ground, bridal style. “Hey,” Heine looked behind her to see a man about her age.

He had warm ivory skin, electric blue eyes, and black hair. He wore a leather jacket and black jeans and white shoes.

“Chernabog!” Heine hugged him tightly, “I miss you.” Chernabog hugged her back. “So, you ready to move in?” he asked, Heine nodded and kissed him. Ben yawned, waking up to see Chernabog.

“Grandpa!” Ben and Lucifer tackled him in a hug. “Hey, Benny. Hey, Lucifer.” Chernabog chuckled. “Grandma talks a lot about you, she said she couldn't wait to move in and finally be with you like old times.” Ben smiled sweetly.

“Is that so?” Chernabog smirked, wrapping his arms around Heine, whispering something in her ear that Ben and Lucifer couldn't hear but by Heine’s blush, it must have been something sweet.

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