EP.162|Why Is Everything So Shiny Here!?

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EP.162|Why Is Everything So Shiny Here!?

Eddie and Evie sat across from each other in the middle of the sigil, the mirror in between them. “Okay, I know this is stupid to ask, but what are they doing?” Carlos whispered.

“To get into the Mirror Realm, you have to make a draw a certain symbol on the mirror very delicately or it’ll crack.” Esther explained. “Then why is Eddie there?” Hunter questioned.

“To seal the symbol so you can go in.” Esther added. “Is it the same symbol for everyone?” Jasper inquired. Esther shook her head “each family who has a magic mirror is given a different symbol, which makes it harder for enemies to get in.”

Evie took a deep breath in and out, this was all riding on her, she had to get the symbol right, her best friend needed saving, she couldn't just leave Mal all alone there.

“Mal’s a tough girl, she’s not made out of glass.” Eddie said as though she was reading Evie’s thoughts. “I know, but she’s my best friend, I just never thought she of all people would get kidnapped.” Evie sighed.

“Knowing Mal, she’s probably kicked her kidnappers butts.” Eddie chuckled. “That sounds like Malley.” Evie chuckled as well.

“So don't worry, all we gotta do is get in, find Mal, and get out.” Eddie assured her. Evie nodded is that all… she sighed internally.

Evie looked down at the symbol to see it was a poison apple with crystals around it. Not bad. Evie admired.

“Okay, now just gently placed some of your magi in it.” Eddie instructed. Evie placed her hand on the mirror softly, making it glow.

The mirror then grew in size, about that of a doorway, emitting a soft glow. Evie got up, dusting off her clothes “we get in, get Mal, get out. Got it?” Evie’s voice was stern and commanding.

“Yes miss!” Carlos, Hunter, and Jasper all stood at attention, saluting her. “Look at you, all commanding and stuff, just like your mom.” Maleficent pinched her cheeks.

“She always told me to grab men, not just by my looks,” Evie shot crystal darts at the boys, luckily, they stopped right before they could hit them “but by my power too.”

“You got yourself a strong one there, don't you Jasper.” Serena chuckled. “Yeah, she’s one strong woman.” Jasper winked at Evie, who blushed a bit.

“An-Anyways, if any of you idiots mess up this mission,” she glared at the three of them, the crystals turning black “I’ll kill you so fast it’ll make your head spin.”

They all nodded quickly “you’re scary when you’re mad.” Carlos bravely spoke up.

“Mal is my best friend, Carlos,” she got close to his face “so if your Dog Boy butt messes up even the tiniest bit, you won't be able to see your Pirate Princess anymore.”

Carlos shivered in fear “yes miss.”
“Good! Let’s go!” Evie cheered, turning back into her cheery self, “come on guys, we gotta save my best friend.”

Evie, Maleficent, Eddie, Jasper, Hunter, and Carlos entered the Mirror Realm and began falling. “AHHH!!!” they all yelled, heck, Carlos and Hunter held onto each other for dear life.

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