EP.18|Bounties and True Evil Is Revealed

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EP.18|Bounties and True Evil Is Revealed

“Did you really think you could sneak in here without me noticing?” Crystal smirked as her little ice monster appeared, tying Alistair up to head post. “Great. Just great.” Alistair sighed.

“Hey, at least you can be with your girl for the all eternity.” Crystal smirked as Alistair snarled at one of the ice monster. “What do you want from us?” Maddie asked.

“Your bounty.” Crystal answered as she showed them two flyers with their faces on it. “Alistair White: 25,000. Maddie Hatter: 27,000.” Crystal read.

“When did we get those?!” Both Alistair and Maddie yelled. “Since your first crime. Every villain has a bounty, some heros too. Miss Belle said if we can kill you or turn you in we get the bounty.” Crystal explained as she brought out a knife as slowly swept it across Alistair’s chest.

“Let’s begin shall we?” Crystal was about to stab Alistair but before he knew it something hit Crystal upside the head, making her knockout. “Who dare you almost stab my brother!” C.A yelled as she hit her again.

“C.A!” Maddie rejoiced as she cut the jump ropes. “We need to find Mal. Before sh-” And before C.A could finish her sentence then was a loud roar from the basement. “Before that!” they all ran outside to see a giant demonic Mal.

Her hair is flowing up, with a darker color than her normal hair colour. She has dark purple wings with an aqua line, and an even darker purple. For her outfit, she wears a purple dress with another dress underneath it.

Her eyes are aqua and purple, with aqua auras flowing from it. Midnight has an aqua horn, similar to unicorn horn with holes in it. Her shoes are long purple boots.

“Mal?!” Ben yelled. “Mal! Ha! My name isn't Mal anymore. It’s Midnight Angel!” Midnight cackled as a she shot a green laser beam at Ben.

“This is what they were trying to do! Belle knew that you would bring Mal to Crystal. She knew that Crystal would betray you and Mal. All the pressure from this allowed Mal to release Midnight Angle!” C.A explained as Ben glared at Belle.

“You put her up to this! You made her turn into Midnight! All just for this stupid kingdom!” Ben yelled. “It’s for the good of the kingdom!!” Belle yelled back.

“Come on! We need to get to the bunker.” Belle added as Ben stood still, not moving with Belle. “I’m not going! I’m not leaving Mal like this!” Ben yelled. “Can’t you see she’s trouble?!” Belle yelled. “This isn't her though! This isn't Mal! Mal wouldn’t do this! Midnight is controlling her!” Ben defended.

“You know what! Fine! Future kings need to learn how to kill demons. You kill this one, or you never become king. What will it be Ben?” Adam asked handing him a sword.

“Mal…” Ben started as he looked at Midnight. “I won't! I can’t! I don't wanna be kind unless Mal is there watch me become king!” Ben yelled.

“Fine! Die for all I care!” Adam yelled. “Your supposed to be his parents! And you don't care if he dies?!” Carlos yelled. “Nope!” They both shouted back. “Some parents you are! I thought you guys cared for me!" Ben yelled.

“We do! But, we don't care for her! She’s garbage son! A demon!” Adam yelled. “What did you do this?! What could you possibly get out of this?!” Ben yelled.

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