EP.195|What It Means To Love A Dragon

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EP.195|What It Means To Love A Dragon

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Sorry to my innocent readers, this chapter has a lemon. I'll tell u wen it happens and when it's safe to read
Jasper slammed the bottle of beer down on the bar counter, burying his face in his arms. It’s been a week since they escaped from the box, Mal, Ben, Hunter, Operetta, Carlos, CJ, Jasper, and Evie were the only ones up.
And he wished he never was woken up.
“What gotcha down, Dragon Boy?” Maleficent sat beside him. “Dragon. Season. Is. Tomorrow.” Jasper pounded his head on the counter with every word.
“Wow,” Maleficent chuckled, “you’re dumb!”
“Nah! Really?” Jasper’s voice grew sarcastic, “I haven’t seen her since yesterday morning and Ioaz has threatened to burn my brain cells if I don't mark her by tomorrow night!”
“Ioaz isn't gonna burn you, and you have to stop avoid Evie, especially after what happened with Kuno.” Maleficent stopped when the glass in Jasper’s hand melted.
He growled, he didn't even want to hear that bastard’s name! “Mine...my Evie.” his nails dug into the bar steep’s wood.
“Yeah, yeah, we know she’s yours but does she knows that?” Maleficent raised her eyebrow, sipping her scotch.
Jasper sighed, “is she awake?”
“Mmhm, she’s with the little kids in the children infirmary.” Maleficent watched as the dragon raced out of the bar.
Evie held the baby in her arms, rocking it to sleep, “who’s a cute baby, you are, you are, yes you are!”
Evie closed her eye momentarily, her memories flashing back to the boxes, she began shaking she passed the baby to one of the nurses and shook violently.
“Miss Evie, sit down,” the nurse instructed, sitting Evie down. “H-He...Ku-Kuno...I-I-I-I…” tears streamed down his face. “No, no honey, he’s not here, it’s okay...shh...it’s okay, alright, alright,” the nurse held her close.
Jasper ran as fast as he could, he could smell the scent of tears, he could only imagine the pain she was in.
Jasper watched as the nurse held Evie, motioning him to come closer. “Evie,” the nurse whispered, “look who’s here.”
Evie looked up from the nurse’s shoulder to see Jasper’s open arms waiting for her, “Jasper!” she ran into his arms, crying into his chest.
“Please, don't...avoid me, whatever I did...I’m sorry!” she cried, clutching his shirt. “You’re sorry? For what, my Habibti?” Jasper questioned. “I-I-I thought I-I offended you, or we’ve broken up…” Evie muttered.
“Habibti!” Jasper swooped her up, “dragons mate only once in a lifetime, and I want you all to myself. So if you think for a second I’m leaving your side, then you’re wrong.”
Evie smiled and wrapped her arms around him, “you’re warm~”
“I know,” Jasper purred, he forgot he had scales on his back but Evie’s soft fingers made him feel wonderful, “how do you always do that?”
“I don't know~ I read in a book that Dragons scales are super sensitive to their mate’s touch,” Evie smirked, grinding against his groin, “along with another number of body parts that are sensitive to my touch…”
He growled in pleasure, “n-no!” Jasper backed away from his potential mate, “baby, can we talk?”
Evie nodded, leading Jasper outside and into the garden. “Look, Habibti,” he kissed her cheek, making her giggle, “tomorrow, is the start of dragon season…”
“Dragon season?” she titled her head, moving her hair to the side to reveal her blank, unmarked, neck. Jasper licked his lips, his scales flashing slightly, “yeah, it’s like animalistic and demon season just for Dragons.”
“So, tomorrow...are you gonna finally mark me?” Evie’s eyes glimmered with hope. “Habibti,” he held her hands, “I only want to do this unless you’re ready.”
“I am ready,” Evie intertwined her fingers with his, “I wanna be yours forever. I never wanna leave your side. I’m all yours, Jasper.”
Jasper felt chills of excitement roll down his spine, “all mine?”
Evie giggled and smiled, kissing his lips, “all yours!”
Jasper could feel Ioaz begging for him to mark her, “please! Just do it or tomorrow I won't be able to control myself, or you, tomorrow.”
Jasper smirked, laying down on Evie’s lap, he could smell her arousal. Jasper bit her thigh, Evie squeaked, “Jasper!”
He chuckled, “someone’s excited about tomorrow.”
“Can you blame me...I’ve waited months for you to mark me!” Evie ran his fingers through his hair. Jasper purred, “how are your hands so soft…”
“Lotion,” she replied, humming a small tune, “why are you always so shocked by how soft my touch is?”
“Because,” he sat up, “your touch,” he kissed her fingers, “I don't know, they make me feel like I’m flying.”
He looked up at Evie, her cheeks turning red when he sucked on her finger. He could smell her arousal heightening, smirking at her “ya like that~”
Jasper chuckled and swooped her up, putting her over his shoulder, he smacked her behind, “gods I forgot how beautiful your ass it.”
“Y-You pervert!”
“You know I am,” Jasper smirked. “Hey Jasper,” Evie looked up, “you told my father you were marking me, right?”
“Nooo,” Jasper chuckled, “seems kinda private.”
“Jasper! In my family, if your going to mark a daughter or son, you have told the father before you mark them.” Evie told him, Jasper sighed.
“With all due respect, Evie, your dad scares me.” Jasper shivered. Evie giggled and hoped down, “come on.”
The two walked hand and hand into the training center to see Dante training soldiers, “Papi!” Evie called out. Dante smiled and pinned one of the soldiers to the ground.
“Hi, baby!” Dante waved Jasper and Evie over, giving Evie a big hug.
“Hello Jasper,” his voice grew serious, putting up his first to block a sneak attack from behind, “what can I do for ya?”
“I was wondering if I may mark your daughter as my mate…?” Jasper questioned, rubbing behind his neck. Dante marched towards him “you what?”
Jasper shivered, “I-I-I uh….”
“Papi!” Evie smacked him upside the head, “you’re scaring him!”
“Meh, weak little dragons.” Dante shrugged. “Look, sir,” Jasper stood proudly, “I promise to protect Evie from any danger we shall face. I love your daughter with all my heart but apparently I need your permission to mark her, so please, may I mark her?”
Dante smiled and shook his hand, leaning him, “hurt her and I fire missiles at you.”
Jasper sweatdropped, hiding behind Evie, “Ye-yes sir!”
Evie chuckled and kissed Jasper softly, “I told you he wasn’t scary.”
“He threatened to fire missiles at me!”

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