EP.124|Big Brothers

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EP.124|Big Brothers

Ben tossed and turned in his bed, ever since the wedding he hasn’t be able to get much sleep. Anytime he would try to, Lucifer’s thoughts filled his head somehow.

He could hear screaming, which would result in Ben screaming and waking up.

“HELP ME!!!” Lucifer yelled, Ben groaned, he saw Lucifer kneeling there, holding his head, tears streaming down his face.

He walked closer to see Lucifer crying, clenching his knees and rocking back and forth. “L-Lucifer?” Ben asked, Lucifer looked up at him. He tackled Ben, crying even more.

“Ben! Oh my gods! Oh my gods! You’re so grown and tall and you look just like mom, but with dad’s eyes. Oh my gods! Mom and dad...how are they?” Lucifer hasty asked.

“Do you not remember anything?” Ben asked. “No...oh gods...what did I do? Did I hurt you?” Lucifer started to sob again.

“Um...Lucifer, you’ve hurt millions islands…and your telling me you don't remember?” Ben asked, Lucifer shook his head.

“I’ve been trapped in here ever since Dixie-sensei died.” Lucifer told him. “You’re telling me you’ve been in here for 12 years?” Ben was surprised.

“Has it really been that long?” Lucifer asked, Ben tackled Lucifer into a hug. “I knew the outside you wasn’t the real you.” Ben smiled.

“I’m sorry for everything I did.” Lucifer muttered. “Don't worry, it wasn’t the real you.” Ben released the hug.

Lucifer then noticed the ring on Ben’s hand “are you married?” Ben nodded. “Her name’s Mal.” Ben smiled. Lucifer began to cry again, “I didn’t get an invite to the wedding!”

“Well…” Ben began, “you kinda crashed it and used Nirvana to make me attack Mal.”

Lucifer sighed, “I’m sorry...again.”

“Hey, look, we’re gonna get you out of here.” Ben promised him. “It’s sweet of you to say,” he looked away from Ben “but the reality is impossible.”

Ben rested his hand on Lucifer’s shoulder “nothing’s impossible, Lucifer.”

“Ben, as long as Araden has full control over my body I can't stop him,” Lucifer sighed, looking down “I’m forever trapped here.”

“Who’s Araden?” Ben inquired. “A demon, he’s the reason why so many islands are getting destroyed, he’s fixated on finding the grail, I’ve tried stopping him but it’s no use.”

“I do want Swan back, and the grail would help me do it, but not if it means killing millions of innocent people.” Lucifer shivered remembering all the horrible images he was forced to watch.

“I promised Swan when we were little that I would protect the earth right alongside her,” Lucifer looked at his hands “now look at what I’ve done! Millions killed by my own selfish greed.”

“I’ve failed Swan miserably, all I wanted to do was make her happy and destroying the planet she watched over and cared for for thousands of years would only make her hate me more.”

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