EP.135|A Different Note

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EP.135|A Different Note

"Yo-You-You're Demonia!?" Ma yelled. "Yes, now keep it down!" Demonia whispered. "We have to call Giles! He'll be so shocked to see you." Mal said Demonia shook her head.

"As much as I would love to see Giles again, I can't." Demonia sighed. "We at least have to tell Milton," Mal said, pulling out a crystal ball. "Call Milton," Mal said as Milton popped up on the crystal ball.

"What do you want, devil girl?" Milton rudely asked. "Is Giles around you?" Mal asked, rolling her eyes at the rude way Milton answered the call. "We passed by a bookstore and Giles rushed in."

Demonia giggled "that sound like my bookworm." Milton's eyes widened, "devil girl, turn the camera." Milton ordered as Mal turned the camera to face Demonia.

"Demonia!" Milton cheered. "Hi, Milton. Where's Courtly?" Demonia asked. "Missing," Milton's eyes saddened. "That's why we have these stupid VK's looking for Swan and the grail so she can lead them to Courtly," Milton said.

"I have to get Giles, he'll be so happy to see you," Milton said. Demonia then showed him her arms and Milton stopped. "You're trapped on the Demonic Isles, aren't you? That's why we can't sense your aura." Milton guessed.

"Her aura?" Mal asked.

"Yeah, the Demonia you see here is her aura, but since she has the chains on, no animalistic, demon, or dragon can sense it. Only Demonic Dragons can, that's why Demonia looked so familiar to you Mal." Milton explained, he then saw Giles walking towards him.

"I gotta go," Milton said as the call ended.

"So, if this is just your aura, where's your actual body?" Mal asked. "That castle," Demonia said. "We need to find our way into the castle and find my body. Then you're gonna hit it with everything you got." Demonia continued."Wait, what!?" Mal yelled. "My body is stuck inside something and I need you to break it." Demonia smiled, patting Mal's shoulder. "But, why me?" Mal questioned.

"I just have a feeling, you know, something that's telling me you're the one who's gonna free me. The one who's gonna be able to reunite me with Giles." Demonia smiled just at the thought if being with Giles again.

"Alright, I'll help you." Mal nodded, Demonia hugged her. "Oh thank you, Malena! I can't thank you enough! I finally get to reunite with my bookworm!"

"My handsome little bookworm! I wonder what he's up to? Does he miss me? Does he know I still love him? What if he found someone new?" Demonia started to worry.

"Believe me, he didn't." Ben chuckled. "Ben!" Demonia shrieked. "Hey, Demonia." Ben smiled, leaning against the stairwell.

"He loves you, there's no doubt about that. Just like how I love Mal." Ben wrapped his arms around Mal. "Awe, Ben's so cute." Demonia gushed. "Mine!" Mal growled at Demonia.

"Right, forgot the red moon." Demonia chuckled. "Sorry, usually I don't act like that." Mal chuckled nervously.

Hunter stirred in his sleep, his dreams were haunted by his dear, Operetta.

"Hunter! Oh my gods!" she yelled out his name, Hunter looked at his mate, smirking. "Mine, mine, just mine," he muttered kissing her lips.

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