EP.55|Say Yes To The Dress and The Inlaws

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EP.55|Say Yes To The Dress and The Inlaws

"A little bit closer. A little bit closer." Hunter muttered, aiming the arrow at a bear. "Closer, closer..." He whispered as he pulled back the arrow. "Bingo." He smirked letting it go. "Hunter!" A voice yelled as a purple dust surrounded the bear, shielding it from the arrow.

"Music Note I said you can come on the hunt with me only if you didn't interfere like you did last time." Hunter sighed as Operetta smoothed out the baby bear's fur before sending it off. "But he's a baby bear." Operetta said. "Yeah, which leads to a mama bear," Hunter said, picking up the arrow.

"You know you don't have to hurt animals as you do." Operetta informed him, both looking up at the stars. "You don't understand Music Note." Hunter sighed, taking out his camera and aiming it for the stars.

"See, you should use your skills in photography. Not hunting." Operetta said. "Yes, photography is a good hobby but it doesn't may like hunting dose. Plus, if you took a good look at the arrow." Hunter then passed her the arrow.

"It's a net arrow." Operetta observed. "I don't kill. I catch and release. The tracker I put on my hunting arrows tracks kills but I found out that I just catch the animal and make it super still to the point where it seems it's dead." Hunter explained.

"I guess I was wrong about you." Operetta sighed. "Hey, Operetta. You've been pretty quiet since you've seen your mom. Is everything alright?" Hunter asked. "I guess, it's all just shocking." Operetta said. "I haven't seen her in years and everything that happened with Willow, all the abuse, the hurt, the pain, it came back in waves emotions." Operetta felt tears trickled down her cheeks.

"Look at me Music Note." Hunter faced Operetta. "Willow will never hurt you. Ever." Hunter promised her, getting close to her face. "Hu-Hunter." She stuttered. "Your so cute when you stutter," Hunter said. "Wh-What?!" Operetta eeped. "You know what I'm talking about. You want me Music Note. Every part of your dose." Hunter answered.

"I-I-I do-don't know-know wha-what yo-your tal-talking about." Operetta stammered. "Yes, you do. Like I said before, you want me." Hunter whispered, pinning Operetta softly of the grass. "You love me Music Note," Hunter smirked. "Umm..." Operetta said. "Shh...don't talk...you'll ruin the moment," Hunter said, kissing Operetta/

She felt sparks flow thru her body, she loved it, she loved every time the sparks flowed thru her body. She wanted it. She needed it. "Now, wasn't that fun?" His smirk grew, Operetta nodded."You love me, don't you?" Hunter asked, his lips attaching firmly to her neck. "Yes." Operetta gasped.

"You want me, don't you? You want these sparks to flow thru body." Hunter asked. "Yes. Pl-Ple-Please." Operetta whimpered. "As you wish." Hunter smiled as he kissed Operetta again, this time it was more passionate. "Hunter..." She said thru the kiss. "Music Note, look at me." Hunter stared into her green eyes.

"I love you." He smiled, so did Operetta. "I want every part of you. Every single part. I wanna be with you thru all the good and bad, the ugly and the pretty, the rain and the sunny days." Hunter said, kissing all along her neck. "Hunter...I...I..."

"I love you too!" Operetta shot up from her bed, her heart raced as she looked at the ceiling. "Oh, Hunter..." She muttered, she wanted him more than ever. But she could never admit that.


"Goodmorning," Evie whispered in Jasper's ear. "Morning." Jasper smiled, snuggling up to Evie's chest. "I've always dreamt of the day I get to wake up next to you," Jasper said as Evie ran her fingers thru his hair. "I love you, Jasper." Evie smiled. "I love you too, Evie," Jasper said, kissing her.

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