EP.137|A Warning Written In Fire

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EP.137|A Warning Written In Fire

Days Till The Wedding: 10 days 23 hours and 34 minutes

"Mister Hunter..."

His eyes fluttered open when he heard his name. The first thing he saw was Operetta smiling face, dabbing his forehead with a wet towel.

"Oh, my gods...she looks beautiful as ever." Hunter smiled. He pulled her down towards the bed, wrapping his arms around her waist and nuzzling his nose on her mark.

He looked at the mark, it wasn't the heart shaped musical note with 3 black swirls in the heart. Now, instead of the swirls being in the heart, it was a crown with devil pitchforks.

"What the hell!?" Hunter mentally yelled. "U-Um...mis-mister Hun-Hunter." Operetta stammered. "Remember, she isn't your mate anymore." Brazzan reminded him.

Hunter could barely deal with the fact that she doesn't remember, now she doesn't even have his mark!? This was too much for him.

"Hey, why don't we let go of Operetta," Ben suggested, Hunter, growled softly and let go of Operetta. "I'm sorry, you just look so much like I used to know." Hunter apologized.

Operetta just smiled, "it's okay, I get what it's like to lose someone you love."

"Where am I?" Hunter asked. "Oh, this is me and my fiance's palace, he's letting you and your friends stay here until you find your other friend." Operetta replied Hunter got up from the bed groaning.

"Well, my fiance says you can come down to breakfast when you're ready." Operetta smiled more, walking out of the room.

Hunter buried his face in the pillow, "she's still so adorable!" Hunter groaned. "But she's married," Ben said, Hunter growled at him.

"No, she's engaged to be married, she's not technically married." Hunter corrected. "Still, maybe it's for the best Operetta doesn't remember us," Carlos said, Hunter's growl deepened.

Hunter grabbed Carlos's jacket collar, "don't you dare say that! I will make sure she remembers me, even if it kills me." Hunter vowed.

"Alright, we might as well go downstairs to see who this "fiance" is," CJ suggested as the VK's went downstairs for breakfast to see Operetta a familiar face to Hunter sitting there.

"Nicholas Grimsbane." Hunter scowled.

"You know him?"I Evie asked. "Yeah, he and I used to be hunting partners, that was until he left me for dead in the rainforest," Hunter explained.

The VK's, and Ben sat down at the breakfast table, "Hunter! It's so great to see you again. It's been too long" Nicholas greeted.

"Not long enough," Hunter muttered. "I can't believe she's with this idiot." Hunter glared at Nicolas, who kissed Operetta's cheek. "You gotta stay calm Hunter. We have to find a way to get her memories back." Brazzan said.

"You two know each other?" Operetta asked. "Yes," Hunter turned away from Operetta "sadly"

"Hunter and I were the best of friends," Nicholas walked over to Hunter, ruffling his hair "isn't that right, Hunter."

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