EP.173|I'm Sorry I Was Such A Burden...

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EP.173|I'm Sorry I Was Such A Burden...

"Ben...! Ben! Benjamin Beastly!" Operetta shook him violently, causing the animalistic to wake up.

"What do you want Operetta..." Ben turned towards her "wait, if your in here...oh shit, Hunter gonna murder me!"

Ben shot up "I don't wanna die!" Operetta sighed and shook her head, "idiot."

"They came here willingly, idiot." Karma chuckled as her and Freddie continued to heal him. "What's the last thing you remember?" Freddie asked. Ben rubbed his temples, trying to remember, suddenly, images of Mal's smiling face flashed before his eyes.

"Mal...I-I saw her..." Ben muttered enough for them to hear him.

"You saw Mal? How?" Amaura questioned. "After what Briar calls "playtime with the beast king", I was really weak, I knocked out, and then when I woke up, Mal was there..." Ben felt his heart flutter, remembering back to his lovely wife.

"Honey, wake up, come on, the lady with hood said I only have a few minutes with you." Mal's voice made Ben open his eyes.

"Malena...I've-" but before he could finish Mal kissed his lips. "I've missed you too." Mal softly brushed stands of his hazelnut hair back.

"How are you here?" Ben asked, staring into her green eyes. "I don't know exactly, but I'm just so glad to see you." Mal chuckled.

"Where are you?" Ben sat up, him and Mal sitting across each other in the lotus position.

"Some stupid box made up of holy magi." she sighed, shaking her head "all I know is that Araden's put me there and that's it."

"He's honestly getting on my nerves." Mal added. Ben held her hand in his, noticing when his wife flinched. He looked down to see the burn marks on her arms.

"What happened?" Ben whimpered ever so slightly. "I was trying to punch my way out of the box," Mal chuckled nervously "I forgot it was made out of Holy Magi."

Ben laughed slightly, placing a trail of kisses along her arm.

"I wish I could find you..." Ben muttered, pulling her into his warm embrace. Mal sighed delightly, melting into his arms.

"I wish I could be with you too." Mal muttered into her shoulder. Ben back up from the hug momentarily to kiss her lips, "I've been away from you for too long..." his kissed trailed down to her neck.

"I miss your touch," his kisses danced along his mark "your smell," he licked over it, Mel gasped, pleasure taking over her body "your taste."

"Ben...!" Mal threw her head back, the beast king just smirked, "did you miss me?"

"Oh gods, shut up and keep kissing me!" Mal replied, as Ben placed laid her down on a fluffy cloud, staring into her beautiful eyes.

"Nuh uh, you never answered my question," he leaned in, biting her earlobe "how much did you miss me?"

"And I said touch me." She growled, her body growing cold. "Answer the question." Ben's words rolled off his tongue.

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