EP.89|Longing For You

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EP.89|Longing For You



“Evie, where are you taking me?” Jasper questioned as Evie pulled him up to one of the trees.

“I haven’t seen you in almost a month. I’ve been surrounded by girls, like I said I like a good female friend, but I need you.” Evie explained.

She kissed Jasper hungrily, unbuttoning his jacket in the process.

“You know.” She parted the kiss momentarily only to kiss him again

“I’m turning into you little by little every day.”

Evie kissed down his neck, emitting a groan from Jasper.

“I want you Jasper.” Evie growled, kissing down his chest.

“Your right...you are turning into me” Jasper smirked at her, there was a small glint of lust in his eyes Evie longed to see,

“but you should know by know, I’m always gonna be the bigger pervert.”

With any other person that would be a bad thing to admit, but Jasper always was and always will be a pervert.

Surprisingly, it was one of the small things Evie loved about him.

“Is that so?” Evie smirked back. “Yep.” Jasper kissed Evie passionately.

“I’ll prove it to you.” Jasper whispered deeply in her ear. Evie felt her back hit the wall, she was trapped.

Jasper put his arms by her head, blocking any chance of Evie escape for Evie.

He put his lips onto hers and kissed her.

Evie’s heart skipped several beats, nearly stopping completely, as Jasper’s lips moved against her own.

She didn’t know how to react at first; it’s been over a month now and all she wanted to do was kiss Jasper.

Now, here he was, his mouth heated against hers, hungry in his pursuit for her.

She hesitated only a moment more before diving into the demanding kiss.

Jasper sucked her lip into his mouth, dancing over it with his tongue.

Evie mewled softly, her hands pressed against his chest between them.

She leaned back, pulling him with her, her head spinning from the dizzying kiss.

She was going to fall, slip, faint; she was going to do something to ruin this, but Jasper saved her.

He pushed her back, cradling her head with his large palm, until she slid onto the large branch below him.

Evie felt lightheaded as she suddenly changed position, her back pressed against the cool wood of the large tree branch, Jasper's body hovering over hers.

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