EP.139|Stalking Or Observing?

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EP.139|Stalking Or Observing?

Days until the wedding: 9 days, 19 hours, 28 minutes

“Hunter, you know your my best friend and all.” Jasper began “yeah I now” Hunter interrupted, talking through the earpiece “but this is basically stalking.”

The VK’s were currently set up around town at all of Operetta’s favorite spots.

“Not it’s not, it’s observing.” Hunter corrected him. “Sure it is, Hunter.” Ben rolled his eyes, serving a kid ice cream, him and Mal were at Operetta’s favorite ice cream shop Scoop Me Up!

“Have a pleasant day.” Ben smiled cheerfully, he then nudged Mal, gesturing towards the kid.

Mal growled and grabbed a sticker, “here have a sticker” she slapped it on the kids head “stupid runt.”

The kid ran out of the shop crying “Mal, that’s the third kid today you made cry, is everything okay?” Ben asked.

“It’s the red moon, demons get very annoyed when they can't be with their mate.” Hunter shortly explained.

“Why couldn't we just stay in bed all day?” Mal asked, she was tired and hungry, hungry for Ben.

“Because, we have to find Operetta.” Ben reminded he, Mal sighed, she pinned Ben against the back wall.

“Do we though?” Mal whispered slyly, Ben clenched his fist. “Yes we do. Operetta is our friend, remember,” Ben was cut off by Mal’s lips “stop talking.” she growled, kissing him roughly.

Ben separated the kiss “She means a lot to hunter,” “uh-huh” “so we’re helping Hunter find her” “uh-huh” “so that’s why-”

“Ben, what did I say about talking.” Mal glared at him. “You said not to.” Ben answered.

“Exactly,” she kissed him again, her free hand slowly unbutton his shirt “so stop talking, I’ve waited too long for you not to f-” Mal was cut off the the bell on the door ringing.

Mal winked at Ben. She licked her lips. Gods and goddesses, I love him.

“Here you go kids.” Ben served the kids some ice cream. Mal smirked, an idea popping in her mind.

“I love your outfit miss!” A little girl chirped as Mal walked over to Ben “oh thank you honey, I worked so hard.” Mal cooed, her hand on Ben’s thigh.

“Dammit Mal! You really need to stop.” Ben groaned. “Ha-Have a gre-great day.” Ben stammered as the kids walked out.

Mal sat on the counter, “oh Benny~” Mal cooed, twirling the string of her apron. “Ma-Mal…” Ben stuttered.

“Of course, who else?” Mal giggled, Ben was definitely scared now, Mal never giggled.

“Mid-Midnight?” Ben shivered. “Course not silly, my hair isn't blonde. It’s purple.” Mal smiled, her hands running up his chest.

“Now,” her finger along his neck “where’s my mark.” Mal smirked when she saw the mark she made on Ben’s neck. It was the same as her.

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