EP.129|Spiritual Revival

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EP.129|Spiritual Revival


Carlos watched as the light faded from Philip’s eyes, Carlos growled and turned into a wolf, Carlos lost all control and began shredding Philip’s body limb from limb.

He bit down on Philip’s arm and ripped it off, and shook his head back and forth with the arm in his mouth before throwing it to the side.

He was about to start on a his leg but a howl pierced thru his ears. It wasn’t any howl, it was a certain howl him and Ben made up just in case one of them or their mates were in danger.

Carlos ran thru the rubble of the crumbling building, dodging debris until he got to Ben, who was still in his lion form, standing over CJ as the debris landed on him, protecting CJ from any harm.

“She’s hurt.” Ben stated, Carlos then noticed the large gaping wound on CJ’s stomach, he placed CJ on his back and the two began to run out of the building.

Carlos then heard Ben’s roar and looked behind him to see Ben trapped under a wood beam. “GO!” Ben yelled. Carlos roared at the bear causing it to shatter. He picked up Ben, who was now back in his normal human form, and put him on his back.

Carlos ran as fast as his legs could carry him, he looked up to see another beam coming down but before he could dodge it in time a barrier of dust particles surrounded Carlos.

He looked at CJ and smiled and continued running.

After hours of running, the three reached Velvet’s hut to see everyone was there. “Oh my gods!” Mal yelled as she rushed towards them, Carlos collapsed to the ground.

“Where’s Freddie?” Mal asked, she then heard rustling in the bushes, Freddie limped forward and collapsed.

“Freddie!” Zeref rushed towards Freddie and rested her head on his lap. “Zer...Zeref…” Freddie mumbled. “Shh...shh...I’m right here…” Zeref stroked her hair.

“Did we win…?” Freddie asked. “Yeah, we did, just sleep.” Zeref smiled as the medallion glowed slightly, sprouting out 3 lavender flowers that healed her wounds.

Mal kneeled beside Ben and hovered her hand over Ben’s wound, it was deep. She began to tear up “you promised me you wouldn't die.” Mal cried, slamming her hand in the grass “you promised me!”

Tears fell on Ben’s chest, she cried harder and harder. She then felt a warm hand rest on her cheek, “why...are you...crying? You know...I hate it...when you cry, Mal” Ben chuckled.

“Ben!” Mal tackled him into a hug, Ben groaned slightly but smiled, hugging Mal back. “Don't scare me like that!” Mal sobbed.

“Hey, I’m okay...I’m the king remember...I can't leave my queen alone.” Ben smiled, kissing Mal’s cheek.

“You idiot.” Mal laughed, wiping her tears. “An idiot who loves you.” Ben kissed Mal’s lips, her smile widened.

“By the way,” Ben broke the kiss, “Freddie took your whip.” Mal laughed, “it’s fine. She’s better with it than I am.”

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