EP.13|Is It One Lump Or Two?

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EP.13|Is It One Lump Or Two?

Evie sat in her Sorcery class, scribbling in her notebook. Operetta looked at Evie’s notebook to see she kept scribbling the name Evie Damoola on the paper. “Evie Damoola huh?” Operetta snickered as Evie hummed, still scribbling it on the paper. “So, Miss Damoola. When is the baby due?” Operetta smirked.

“Baby?!” Evie jumped out of her seat. “I'm just joking.” Operetta laughed. “Miss Evie! Miss Operetta! In there something more important than your classwork?” The teacher, Miss Aurora scolded. “Anything really.” Operetta whispered as they both started laughing. Miss Aurora hmph-ed and went back to teaching.

“To perform the Change Your Own Appearance spell, one must learn the chant of the spell.” Miss Aurora continued to explain as the chalk began writing words on the board. “I call upon the Ancient powers, to mask us now and in future hours. Hide us well and thoroughly, but not from those we call family.” Aurora chanted as she turned into Snow White.

“See, easy. Now you try.” Aurora smiled. Operetta waved her wand. “I call upon the Ancient powers, to mask us now and in future hours. Hide us well and thoroughly, but not from those we call family.”  Operetta chanted as she turned into Evie and Evie turned into her. “You’re right, your blue hair does smell like blueberries.” Operetta chuckled. “Told ya.” Evie smiled. “Okay now everyone change back. We have to continue on with the class.” Aurora smiled as everyone changed back.

“As you know, Briar’s annual tea and crumpets party is this afternoon.” Aurora announced as Operetta rolled her eyes. “A tea party is supposed to be formal. So, before we continue I want to go over so tea party etiquette and manners.” Aurora added as the words Tea Party Etiquette and Manners appeared on the board.

“This should be fun.” Evie said sarcastically. “You should listen, you two could learn something.” Winter smirked as Operetta held Evie back from punching Winter.

“So now how should you behave at afternoon tea? Well, there are several etiquette rules that must be considered and followed to ensure proper, civilized behavior.” Aurora began to explained as the chalk wrote The Tea on the board.

“When it is time to pour the tea, you may ask the guest if he or she would like strong or weak tea. For strong tea, pour the tea no more than 3/4 full. Weak tea is typically poured only 1/2 full. This allows for extra hot water to be poured in the cup.” Aurora continued as teapots filled with tea and tea cups appeared on each of their tables.

“I say, Miss Queen, would you like some tea?” Operetta asked, as though she was the most fanciest person on earth. “I will take some tea.” Evie answered, using the same voice as Operetta.

Operetta then grabbed the teapot and began pouring the tea, she didn’t notice that the cup was all the way full until the tea spilled over. Operetta and Evie started laughing.

“That, students is what you should not do. Never fill the tea cup to the brim. It is ill-mannered to spill any of the tea on the saucer, table, and yourself.” Aurora warned as Operetta and Evie continued laughing.

“Miss Queen! Miss Styles! This is no laughing matter! This is an important life skill to have in the future.” Aurora scolded. “Sure. It is.” Operetta said sarcastically.

“I’m serious Operetta, learning proper tea etiquette is important life skill.” Aurora said. “When it comes to drinking tea, there’s some things to remember.” Aurora started as the chalk began writing again.

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