EP.52|Cheating Is Never Okay, But In This Case, It Is

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EP.52|Cheating Is Never Okay, But In This Case, It Is

Operetta walked down a dark hallway, only light by a white opera mask with roses dripping bright green poison surrounding it. “Cool.” Operetta smiled as she reached a white door with black embroidery on it. Suddenly, a small hole appeared in shape of a butterfly. Operetta looked at her music box and took off the butterfly, placing it in the slot.

The door opened revealing a beautiful women with chocolate brown hair, warm crimson brown skin, she wore a beautiful white dress. “Who are you?” Operetta asked. “You probably don't remember me. You were really small.” She chuckled slightly. “That music box, it’s mine.” She smiled. “Wait, your Christine?” Operetta asked as Christine nodded, Operetta quickly hugged Christine.

“I haven’t seen you since you were a baby.” Christine said. “Why did you leave?” Operetta asked. “I had to, I didn’t want to leave, I loved you from the minute you were born. I didn’t want to let you go. But I had too, I hated not being there, I hated seeing you cry everyday and not being able to do a thing.” Christine sighed. “So wait, you're the voice I heard in the bathroom the first day of school! You kept telling me to remember.” Operetta gasped. “Yes, I was trying to reach you.” Christine replied.

“But, why? If you were here the entire time, why did you wait till now?” Operetta asked. “I wanted the time to be right.” Christine said. “You wanted the time to be right?” She asked. “Yeah.” Christine answered. “Operetta, I wanted you to be ready. Now you are.” Christine added. “Ready for what?” Operetta asked. “For the story behind that music box.” Christine replied as she opened the music box causing the song to play.

Christine hovered her hand over the small music note in the box causing it to project an image. “What’s this?” Operetta asked. “Just watch.” Christine said.

“It was a cool autumn night.” the video narrated.

“Miss Christine, 2 minutes till curtain.” The stage director said as Christine nodded. “You ready for your solo?” Her best friend, and makeup artist, Daisy asked. “Yeah, I mean I’ve been singing my entire life. This isn't any different.” Christine replied as she put lipstick on.

“Why are we here again?” Maleficent asked. “Cause, my friend got us tickets, it be rude for us not to go.” Farrah said. “Why did you have to drag us along though? This is more of Phantoms thing.” Facilier groaned. “I don't wanna be here either. I mean as much as I like opera this one seems kinda boring.” Phantom yawned as the curtains rose. “Ladies and gentleman, Christine Daae.” the announced said as everyone clapped. “Just listen.” Farrah smiled as they put the spotlight on Christine.

You said if you could fly,

You would fly far - far into the sky

So all you’d ever know

Is that blue – that blue - Sky up above

“She’s really good.” Jafar observed. “No kidding.” Phantom agreed. He was completely mesmerized by her, he couldn’t stop staring. It was like looking at a shooting star for the first time. “Yo, Phantom yo-” But before Hexiciah could finish Phantom covered his mouth. “Shh! She’s singing.” Phantom scolded as Hexiciah rolled his eyes.

You’ve yet to learn what the pain  

From true sadness is like

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