EP.47|Behavioral Class and Jokers Wild

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EP.47|Behavioral Class and Jokers Wild

“Why are we going to this class!” Carlos groaned, as the VK’s, and Ben, walked up the spiral staircase to the top classroom.

“Cause Milton's a jerk.” CJ scoffed. “Let’s get this over with.” Evie sighed as she knocked on the door labeled 387. The door opened all on it’s own.

“Come in.” A voice welcomed as the ten walked into the empty classroom. “Welcome to behavior class.” The voice greeted as the door shut, the ten looked behind them to see Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga has a red cloak over her grey hair. Her hair has braids and birds bones in it. Baba Yaga wears a pale blue top with long sleeves, a waistcoat with a fur trim and the waistcoat has gemstones dotted around it.

She also wears a purple and dark blue patterned skirt with a patched brown wrap around her waist. She wears necklaces, earrings, bracelets and rings.

“Miss Yaga! We’re sorry for intruding! Please don't kill us!” Freddie and Zeref bowed. “Get off the floor.” Baba Yaga rolled her eyes. “Yes miss!” Freddie and Zeref jolted off the floor.

“You came here alone yes?” Baba Yaga asked as they nodded. “Perfect.” Baba Yaga smirked as she took out a playing card and swiped it across her face changing from Baba Yaga into a whole different person.

She has peach skin and short curly, blonde hair hid behind her large joker's collar. It has several purple streaks on a layered fringe on the right side of her face.

A white diamond shape is drawn on her left eye. She has arched purple eyebrows, purple eyes, smoky gray eyeshadow and bright red lips accompanied with a smile.

She wears a large magenta joker collar with bells on each end. She has translucent pastel purple sleeves with glitter, and a multicolored mini dress.

She wears a red jester belt with golden chains and multi colored stockings. She has midnight blue boots with a mismatched length, and midnight blue wrist cuffs. Her gloves are colored the same.

She accessories with a classic red fool's hat, and red diamond-shaped earrings.

“My name isn't Baba Yaga. It’s just an alias. The name’s Courtly Jester.” all the VK’s jaws dropped. “We are unworthy!” The all bowed making Courtly and Ben sweat drop.

“Ben! She’s the most praised villain in all of the Villain Isles! Bow!” Mal said as Ben bowed.

“Hey, no need for that. Now sit. We have thing to do.” Courtly said as she sat on her desk. “Now, have you guys ever heard of Unholy Magi?” Courtly asked.

“Yeah, that card you just used to change your appearance. It’s one of the many types of Unholy Magi. Using magic without a wand basically.” Ben shortly explained. “Exactly.” Courtly said, making a card float in her hand.

“For years now, I’ve been watching you ten. I think you are ready to learn Unholy Magi.” Courtly smiled as she crumbled up the card making as it turned into a flame.

“Theses are Jester Cards. Depending on the card you throw or crumble is the type of magi I can wield.” Courtly explained.

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