EP.29|Boy Talk, Girl's Day, and Maddie's Date

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EP.29|Boy Talk, Girl’s Day, and Maddie’s Date

The group was now in the living room, just chilling until Lizzie came in. “You girls wanna go to a spa?” Lizzie asked as the girls nodded. “Don't wait up.” Operetta winked as the girl walked down to the spa.

“Hey, have you noticed the girls were being kinda different today?” Jasper asked. “Yeah. Now that I think about it, Lori and CJ were acting weird today.” Bruce answered. “Yeah, Maddie was acting the same way. Like I was invisible.” Alistair added.

“Same with Mal. I was trying to ask her something important but apparently she rather talk to Nevermore.” Ben sighed.

“Operetta freaking lashed out at me when I tried to help her with skee ball.” Hunter scoffed. “I couldn’t even get a word out of CJ. Her and Lori were talking to Milo the entire time.” Carlos added, brushing Dude’s fur. “You think we did something?” Zeref asked.

“I don't think so.” Jasper answered as C.A popped out of nowhere. “Hello!” C.A said making all the boys jump up a little. “Do you have tunnels in this hotel?!” Carlos asked.

“Yeah, I have tunnels.” C.A laughed as she scooted the rug a little to the left. “Is there a tunnel under the carpet?” Bruce asked. “I don't recall saying tunnels.” C.A smiled innocently. “Anywhoozle! Maybe you did something, maybe you didn’t. How am I supposed to know.” C.A smiled.

“What do you mean?” Hunter asked. “Oh~nothing.” C.A cooed. “Sis? What do you know?” Alistair asked as C.A started laughing nervously. Shit! I’m so dead! I can’t lie to Alistair! Oh what am I saying, of course I can! C.A thought.

“Sorry big bro. Can’t say.” C.A winked as she moved the carpet jumping down a tunnel. “I told you there was a tunnel!” Ben said.

Meanwhile, downstairs at the spa. C.A fell out of the ceiling and into on the massage chairs. “Hey C.A.” Lizzie smiled. “Sup.” C.A said as they put a green face mask on Lizzie and C.A. “Hey C.A, can I ask you something.” Lizzie asked.

“Sure.” C.A smiled. “D-Do...yo-you wan-wann-wanna go ou-out on a date?” Lizzie asked as C.A shot up, cucumbers flying off her eyes. “Seriously?!” C.A eyes lit up. “Yeah.” Lizzie smiled. “Of course I wanna go out with you!” C.A hugged her tightly.

“Mmmh...this spa is amazing…” Freddie complimented as the masseuse massaged her back. “Hey, um...Freddie...the masseuse’s name isn't Zeref. It’s William.” Operetta chuckled as Freddie’s face turn red. “Sorry…” Freddie muttered.

“So, I saw you and Hunter at skee ball yesterday Operetta.” Evie observed as she had a face mask on, getting her nails painted. “He was just helping me with skee ball that’s all.” Operetta clarified, the masseuse putting hot rocks on her back. “That’s not what Hunter was planning.” Mal sing songed.

“What do you mean?” CJ asked. “It looks like Hunter was trying to get closer to Operetta.” Maddie smirked. “You’re one to talk, you kept chatting up one of the Charming kids.” Lori added. “It’s part of the plan remember.” C.A reminded Lori.

“But does Derek know that?” Freddie questioned. “Um, well...no...but he…” Maddie stammered, soon she got a text. “Is that mister Charming himself?” Lizzie asked as Maddie looked at her phone to see it was, indeed, Dexter.

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