EP.194|How Much I Missed You

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EP.194|How Much I Missed You

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Milton slammed Hades against the wall, “you better not be lying about this!”
“I’m not!” Hades put his hands up in surrender, “she’s here in the NPA!”
Milton glared at him, “if I find out you’re lying, your immortality won't be enough to save you from me.”
Milton morphed into his mountain lion form, pushing through the infirmary, pushing people out of the way. The smell of lemon and honey-filled his nose, he stopped in front of a closed room, sitting in front of the door, awaiting it to open like a puppy waiting for their owner to return home.
Milton scratched at the door, whimpering. Once the door opened, he was disappointed to see Healer. “She’s sleeping,” Healer whispered, “I know you really want to see her but she needs to rest.”
Milton hoped on the chair outside the door, looking through the window at his Jester. He scratched at the window, Courtly groaned and turned the other way, “let her sleep, go for a walk, or see your brother, but when she’s up, you’ll be the first to know.”
Milton shook her head, “mine…”
“I know she’s yours but Milton she needs to sleep!” Healer pushed him away from the window, closing the door and dropping the shades.
Milton growled and sulked his head, walking away from the room. He sighed, “maybe I should visit Giles.”
Giles smiled warmly, hugging Demonia as they slept, “mine…” they both growled, holding the other closer. They both laughed, “this is why I love you.”
He ran his fingers through her emerald green hair “so soft…” he never knew peace like this before. He didn't know how lost he was without Demonia until she was gone.
It’s only been a month since Demonia’s return, every single day Demonia spent with him was precious. She was so paranoid that he moved on, but now, laying in his arms, she didn't have a drop of worry in the world.
A knock at the door brought a growl out of the both of them. “Tell em to go away…” Demonia muttered into her love’s chest.
Giles growled when they knocked again, “go away or I bite off your head.”
“You know damn well you wouldn't do that baby bro.” Milton laughed from the other side of the doorway. Giles sighed, unhooking his arms from Demonia’s waist, she grabbed his hands, stopping him, “I know, but he’s my brother.”
Demonia growled slightly, “go away, Milton!”
Milton rolled his eyes, “hello to you too, Demonia.”
Giles chuckled softly, kissing her lips before walking towards the door. He opened the door, letting Milton walk in. “Demonia,” his hands covered his eyes, “you do have clothes on yeah?”
Demonia put on her robe, “now I do. Happy?” Demonia was irritated, dragon mating season was about to start and she wanted Giles all to herself.
“I’m gonna freshen up baby,” Demonia kissed his cheek, “we’ll continue later.”
She licked over her mark before gracefully walking away, Giles tried to follow her but Milton’s interrupting cough reminded him he was still here.
Giles sighed and sat on the bed, Milton sat on the lounge chair, “what’s wrong?” the younger brother asked.
“It’s Courtly,” Milton held his face in his hands, “she’s back and Healer’s not letting me see her…”
“She’s injured, she needs time to heal before you and her fuck each other’s brains out.” Giles chuckled, walking to the fridge, grabbing 2 beers.
“But you don't understand Giles!” Milton accepted the beer, opening it and taking a large swig, “she’s the love of my life and I haven’t seen her in almost 2 years!”
“I know you’re desperate to see your mate, but you have to wait for her to heal.” Giles chuckled, he found it funny that his older brother had such strong emotions from Courtly.
“Why can't she wake up faster…” Milton muttered. “Instead of worrying when she’ll wake up, how about you start planning for what’ll happen after she wakes up,” Giles suggested.
“What?” Milton looked up at him. “You two haven’t seen each other since the wedding, where you very loudly did it but she got taken by Araden the next morning.” Giles summarized.
“Thanks for the reminder.” Milton rolled his eyes. “When Demonia came back, we didn't rush into having sex,” he stopped when Milton started laughing loudly, “Demonia said you did it 3 times in the library, 4 times in the shower, and 2 times in Christine’s potions room.”
Giles blushed, halting his movements, “please tell me you didn't tell Christine!”
Milton smirked, “whoops,” he shrugged, “thanks for the advice though, but I know what my Courtly likes.”
Demonia opened the door slightly, “Giles~”
“Baby,” Giles intertwined his fingers with hers “we did it 2 already this afternoon, don't you want a break?”
“We never did it in the shower though,” Demonia giggled, pulling Giles into the bathroom. “Don't kill him Demonia,” Milton called out, “I still need my brother to walk!”
Demonia laughed, “can't promise anything!”
Later that day, Milton came back to Courtly’s hospital room, about to knock on the door but Healer opened it, “my gods, you animalistic are so freaking needy!” Healer opened the door wider to let Milton in.
A curtain around her hospital bed shielded Milton from her. He could see a silhouette of his mate. Milton, not being able to contain himself, transformed into his mountain lion form, about to dart for her but Healer stopped him.
“Give me a sec,” Healer opened the curtain slightly, to see Courtly eating putting. “You’re looking better.” Healer observed. “I am, thank you, Healer.” Courtly smiled.
“I have something that’ll make you feel even better.” Healer smirked, opening the curtain, letting the mountain lion roll in. “Courtly!” He hopped onto the bed, licking her face, taking in her honey lemon taste and smell.
“Milton!” Courtly wrapped her arms around, “I missed you so much! I thought I’d never see you again!”

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