EP.169|A King's Promise

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EP.169|A King’s Promise
“Keep it moving, Shadow Girl.” the robots pushed Freddie into the entrance of the camp, Freddie glared at them, she couldn't respond with the cloth wrapped around her mouth and hands.

At least I’m not hogtied like Operetta, so it could be worse. Freddie shrugged, looking over to her right to see Operetta was hogtied with magical restraints, she got a bit testy when one of the robots touched her belly and started shooting icicles at them.

“You robots have a lot of fucking nerves bringing me here! I can't believe you had the audacity to touch my child!” Operetta growled. “Mmhmm.” Freddie mumbled through the cloth.

“I don't care if they did it on accident Freddie! They hunks of metal don't get to touch my baby!” Operetta yelled, throwing Freddie and Operetta down on the dirt of The Camp’s courtyard.

The robots cut the chains they hogtied Operetta, still leaving the magical restraints on, they untied Freddie and placed magical restraints on her as well.

The robots left, leaving Operetta and Freddie to the inhabitants of The Camp “who the hell are you staring at!?” Operetta growled.

“Operetta, calm down,” Freddie whispered, Operetta sighed and calm down she heard Adonis peak out of her hair “hi baby, oh it’s okay, Mommy’s here, those evil robots wong touch you, no they won't, no they won't.”

“Meep!” Adonis flew around Freddie, healing the scratch on her face. “I didn't know Adonis could do that.” Freddie said, scratching under Adonis’ chin.

“My little baby is so special.” Operetta cooed, Adonis rubbing against Operetta’s cheek before resting atop her head.

Operetta growled “didn't you hear me?! Who the hell are you staring at?!” Freddie gulped. Pregnant women are scary.

“Who the hell is making all that noise!” Winter’s face appeared upon a larger screen, she looked down to see Operetta was yelling at the inhabitants.

“And another thing! If any of you dumb but idiots, touch my baby, or any of my friends, I will show no mercy!” Operetta threatened. “Not bad, I must say I haven’t even seen my robots strike fear into their hearts like you do.” Winter complimented.

Operetta looked around to see everyone was scared, but when she looked down to see a little girl cowering in fear behind Freddie, it broke her heart.

She crouched down beside the small girl and sighed, “I’m sorry, I don't want to be like the big bad snow girl hiding behind the screen.” Operetta chuckled, making the little girl laugh as well.

“What did you just call me?!” Winter yelled.

“Wanna see something cool?” the little girl nodded, Operetta took her hands in her small ones, making them glow faintly. Once Operetta removed her hands, she opened them to reveal an ice rose in the girl’s hands.

“Isn't it cute!” Operetta smiled widely, Freddie shook her head softly. She was angry not even 1 minute ago and now she’s as bubbly as sparkling water.

“You VKs are all clowns.” Winter groaned, rolling her eyes. Freddie glared at her “what did you say?”

And she says I’m scary! Operetta gulped.

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