EP.193|From Mine To Ours

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EP.193|From Mine To Ours
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When Hunter first woke up, the first 2 thoughts that ran through his head were;

Where the hell am I?!

Where the hell is Operetta?!

Hunter heard the sound of laughing from the doorway, “well shit, I thought you were dead!”
“Good Morning to you too, dad.” Hunter hissed. “Aren’t you happy to see me?” Gaston acted like he was emotionally hurt by his son’s statement. “Shut up,” Hunter rolled his eyes. He tried to get up but noticed some restriction, he looked down to see he was chained to the bed.
“What the?” Hunter tugged on the chains, trying to break free. He looked up at his father, “care to explain?”
“While you were knocked out we ran some test on you and the VKs just to see if you were okay and had no remnants of curses in you.” Gaston began to explain, pulling up a chair, sitting backward in it, “the other VKs tested negative, you, however, tested positive.”
“What?” Hunter was confused, “positive for curses?”
“No, something else entirely.” Gaston walked over to Hunter’s charts, flipping through the pages, before stopping, “you have traces of Araden in you.”
Hunter’s mouth gaped open, “wait, wait, wait! I thought you were my dad?!”
“No, you idiot!” Gaston slapped him upside the head, “I’m still your dad, Hunter.”
“Then why would I have traces of him in me?” Hunter asked. “Traces of Araden’s demon.” Gaston clarified. “His demon? But Arden’s already a demon?” Hunter was even more confused.
Gaston sighed deeply, “it’s like this, Hunter, you’re a demon vessel.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“So is Araden.” Gaston continued. Hunter began to piece it all together, “that’s probably what Araden meant by him hating us.”
“Yeah,” Gaston’s voice grew sarcastic, “look who’s a smart demon vessel!”
Hunter was amused, he almost bit Gaston’s hand when he reached for his son’s hair. Gaston laughed, pulling his hand back “but in all seriousness, somehow Brazzan let in Araden’s demon.”
Hunter’s eyes grew a light red, signaling Brazzan was taking over, “Woah, Woah, Woah, don't blame me for this! I didn't even know until a couple of hours ago!”
“Well, how else did he get in Brazzan? You have the key to the Mind Gate for Hunter.” Gaston reminded him. “Hehe...about that, the Mind Gate...it’s kinda...cracked.”
“What?” Gaston raked his hands down his tired face. “Before Hunter finally accepted his Darkside, he had a giant power surge and some of the power kinds bounced off the Mind Gate and cracked it,” Brazzan explained.
“Of course he did...okay, okay, Hunter,” Brazzan released control, luckily Hunter didn't feel any backlash, “we need you to stay here for a while since Araden’s demon is taking over your body at random times.”
“Dad, I fine-” Hunter’s eyes turned a bright electric blue. Hunter snarled, tugging on the chains, “what is this?! WHERE AM I!?! RELEASE ME!”
Gaston pulled out his dagger, “alright, why are you in my son’s head?” he demanded, circling the demon.
“You must be Gaston,” the new demon replied, his voice laced with a sly tone, “the vessel looks like you, he doesn't have your eyes though, those come from the fairy right?”
Gaston growled slightly when he mentioned Farrah, “she has a name.”
“And I don't care to learn it.” he rolled his eyes, Gaston noticed only one of Hunter’s eyes were bright blue the other was red.
“Who the fuck are you?!” Brazzan cursed. “Awe, look at that, Brazzan found a vessel!” the demon’s voice grew sarcastic, “but sorry, you need to find a new one.”
“Excuse me?! I’ve had this vessel reserved since birth! If anything you need to leave!” Brazzan scolded. “Brazzan, last time I checked, you’re only A+ demon, oh and who’s an S+?”
“You,” Brazzan gritted his teeth, “but I was here first, birth vessel rules trump power ranks.”
“Not if the vessel’s dead, remember Brazzan, dead vessels are free for any demon to use, no matter the rank.” the demon reminded him. “You planning to kill my vessel?!” Brazzan shrieked.
“I wouldn't say kill but hurt him really really really badly till he does die.” the demon smiled wickedly, looking at the control panel in Hunter’s mind “which one explodes his head?”
Brazzan tackled the demon, “Geyu, I swear if you touch that control board, and I push the holy water button.”
Healer walked in, watching the scene, “I see you met Geyu,” she observed.
“Yeah,” Gaston whipped his head towards him, “Hey when I agreed to this I didn't think you meant doing this to my son!”
“Hunter’s a strong vessel, I trust him, plus, with Geyu and Brazzan controlling him, pretty sure he’s gonna have a very bad backlash.” Healer guessed, watching as the two demons released control.
Hunter gasped for air, “air! Ai-air!” Healer flicked her wrist, letting air into Hunter’s lungs. “Why...just why!”
“Because humans think it’s funny to chain me to the bed!!” Geyu yelled, taking partial control of Hunter. “Get the hell out of my head!” Hunter yelled, one of his eyes was electric blue while the other was brown.
“Funny, you think you bark the orders around here!” Geyu laughed, Healer glared at the demon, walking over. “Actually, I do, Geyu.” Healer’s voice made Geyu shut up. “Remember me?” Healer smirked.
“Oh no…”
“Oh yes,” Healer lips curved into a vicious smirk, “and if Brazzan tells me you’ve been hurting him or his family and friends, I’ll just have to tell the Head Demon. Oh, and who is that again?”
“Never mind…” Geyu muttered.
“Exactly,” Healer pulled out a bracelet from her pocket, “hunter, I want you to wear this, it’s put Geyu on a power destabilizer, meaning he can touch you or anyone.”
Hunter looked at the bracelet, and nodded, “Healer, if you don't mind, may I see Operetta?”
Healer smiled, “go ahead, she’s with the little ones in the garden.”
Once Healer unlocked the handcuffs, Hunter raced for the garden, his face beaming. He stopped, watching his mate play with the little kids.
“Wow! Miss Operetta! You’re so pretty!” one girl complimented. “Why thank you, I’m sure you’ll be just as pretty.” Operetta smiled, the little girls braided flowers into her hair.
“I heard all about you Miss Operetta! You took down the Demon King.” another little girl cheered. “I did, he took away my memories and separated me from my demon, so I killed him.” Operetta shrugged.
“You’re a mate?!” the first girl mouth gaped open. “Yeah,” Operetta moved her hair to reveal her mark, the girls gasped. “Is your demon nice?” one asked.
“More than nice,” Operetta giggled, feeling Hunter’s arms around her, “girls, meet Hunter,” she kissed his cheek, “my lovely demon.”
Hunter purred in delight, “mine…”
“Why do demons do that?” the little girls asked. “I don't know, I believe it’s because he loves me so much he wants everyone to know I’m his.”
“Mine, all mine…” Hunter kissed her neck, licking over her mark. “Hunter’s, ki-kids are here!” she blushed, he looked up from her neck to see the kids snickering, “go play somewhere else.”
The kids giggled, running off to leave the pair alone.
Hunter waited till they were out of earshot to pin Operetta to the soft grass, “damn…” he licked his lips, watching his mate under him, “you’re so beautiful.”
Operetta giggled and kissed him deeply, it’s been 2 days since she woke up and watching her demon sleep and not being able to touch him was torture.
“Who’s this?” Geyu asked he was now locked inside a cage in his mind. “His mate,” Brazzan answered, watching Geyu’s cage.
“Are we forced to watch this?” Geyu gagged. “Yes, leave them be, demon mate for life so yes, for the rest of the time you’re here you’re this for a while.” Brazzan laughed.
“Hunter~ah!” Operetta moaned as Hunter kissed her neck “baby! Oh, gods!” she arched her back when Hunter sucked on the mark.
“Hey,” Hunter released his lips, “Carlos was right about that! I didn't think humans were so sensitive to pleasure.”
“Car-Carlos dose th-this with C-CJ?!” Operetta stammered. Hunter nodded, “yeah, so did you like it?”
Operetta blushed deeply, “I-I-I…”
Hunter sucked on the mark, Operetta felt her eyes roll back, “AH!”
“So you do like that~” Hunter purred, his hands roaming her body, he suddenly growled.
“What’s wrong?” Operetta questioned. “Geyu…” Hunter sighed, laying down next to her, she intertwined his fingers with hers.
“Who’s Geyu?” Operetta tilted her head. Geyu smirked, forcing himself to take over Hunter’s body, only one eye turning blue, “my...look at you.”
Operetta backed up, “who ar-are you?!”
“I’m Araden’s demon, well a part of him anyways, the other parts are still on Araden/Lucifer.” Geyu simply explained.
He ran his fingers along his face, “soft, sweat,” he sniffed her cheek, “cherry blossoms…”
His hands went south, exploring her hips, “hmm, wide hips, different smells by the stomach region…my gods, you’re pregnant!”
He reached for her stomach but Operetta froze his hand, “touch me, my babies, or Hunter and I freeze your heart!”
“Fiesty!” Geyu winked, “I like you,” he pinned her to the wall, his hands slowly tore her leggings, reaching the area in the middle of legs “look whos all soaked.”
Operetta tried to wiggle herself free but his hold on her was too strong, “no!” she yelled, Hunter’s eyes turned back to normal just before Geyu could touch her.
Operetta hugged Hunter tightly, “oh thank the gods it’s you!”
“Shh, shh, he won't lay another finger on,” he leaned in, “nobody touches what’s ours…”
“Ours?” Operetta raised her eyebrows, “I thought it was always mine with demons?”
“I realized how possessive I sounded, plus, me, you, the twins,” Hunter kissed her lovingly, “it’s all ours.”
⊱ ────── {⋆⌘⋆} ────── ⊰
“Come on Hunter, what makes you think you can fight Geyu when you’re only at 980!” Gaston rolled her eyes. “980 is high!” Hunter heaved heavily.
“You can't use magic!” Gaston reminded him. “Why?” Hunter wiped his forehead, hitting the punching bag again. “Because, when you’re doing a Conquer Fight, the area your in cancels out any and all magi!” Gaston added.
“This is pointless, he took over once,” Hunter rolled his eyes. “And what did he do to Operetta?” Gaston raised his eyebrow.
“Tried to touch my mate…” Hunter growled deeply. “And what are you gonna do about it?” Gaston smirked.
“I’m gonna smash that little demon into submission!” Hunter smashed the punching bag into the wall. “Attaboy!” Gaston cheered.
“Go see your girlfriend, I think she’s in the infirmary helping out.” Gaston guessed, he smiled when he saw the goofy grin on his son’s face.
Operetta sat on the infirmary table, laughing loudly as Healer placed the cold jelly on her stomach, “Operetta, hold still.”
“Sorry Healer, it’s just, the jelly feels weird on my stomach!” Operetta continued to laugh, Healer rolled her eyes in a joking way. “You ready?” Healer grabbed the wand, placing it over Opperetta’s stomach.
She nodded and held her breath slightly, waiting for the sound of the twin’s heartbeats.
Operetta began to tear up, “Is that them?”
“Mmhm, that’s the girl and here’s the boy,” Healer moved the wand to the right side of her stomach, listening to the heartbeat.
The doors suddenly opened to reveal Hunter, “whatcha doing-” he stopped when he heard the heartbeats, “are those the twins?”
He looked into the sonogram, he couldn't believe it, he was looking at the small outline of the babies that would soon be his kids!
Operetta held his hand, “the heartbeats are so strong.”
Hunter nodded in agreement, tears slowly trickling down his cheeks, “those are my kids...those are our kids!”
Healer smiled, “another generation to carry on their legacy,”

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