EP.174|I'm Not Crazy! The Shards Can Talk!

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EP.174|I'm Not Crazy! The Shards Can Talk!

"Jasper!" Evie giggled as Jasper placed butterfly kisses along her neck. "Gods, how did I never noticed your blueberry smell earlier." Jasper sighed in delight, once again taking her addicting sent.

"Probably cause your an idiot." Kuno said, walking past the pair again. Jasper snarled at Kuno "mine..."

"Yes, yes, we all get the Blueberry's yours, you don't need to rub it in our faces." Kuno muttered, sipping his drink.

"And you'll be good to remember that." Jasper growled, continuing his public displays of affections on Evie.

"You're all mine." Jasper felt his fangs growing again. Not now, Ioaz! Jasper scolded.

"Not now, Ioaz." his inner dragon, Ioaz mocked, "we'll do it later Ioaz' 'she not gonna accept Ioaz' 'I wanna do it on my own terms'. UGH! You humans are so annoying!"

"Well god forbid I want this on my own terms! I don't want to just jump on her like a crazy animal!" Jasper said, rolling his eyes.

"That's not such a bad thing...I mean, she might like it for all we know..." Ioaz muttered. "MIGHT! She might like it! I can't mess things up," she looked into Evie's brown eyes "espeically not with her."

"Hm?" Evie turned her head towards him "everything alright?""Yeah, just thinking..." Jasper mumbled. "Jasper," Evie faced him, her legs swinging to the other side of his lap ."we said no more secrets..."

"I know baby," Jasper kissed her lips, causing the Blueberry to blush slightly "it's just...Ioaz is kina annoying me."

"And you two are annoying me." Kuno groaned, hopping over the bar "happy couple make me sick."

Jasper growled, "let's go to a different car," Jasper held Evie's hand as they walked to the middle row of the bus.

Him and Evie sat down on the couch, "as I was saying, Ioaz is a dragon-""I said no Hunter!" Eddie repeated, walking into the room, Jasper sighed.

"Just go with him! For the sake of the gods, Eddie, I get you a robot but somewhere in that metal body there's a human heart that had strong feelings for him." Hunter gripped her shoulder.

"He'll meet other girls." Eddie rolled her eyes. "No he won't, when demons see their mates, they don't turn back. They stick with that one mate, forever." Hunter said.

"But my dad..." Eddie started. "Will be okay, I'm pretty sure he'll understand." Hunter smiled, patting Eddie on the back, pushing Eddie towards Milo.

"H-Hi Mi-Milo!" Eddie's circuit began to heat up again. "Hello, my beautiful metal angel," Milo smiled at her "what can I get cha?""I-I-I um...we-well...I was wondering, si-since, y-you're going to start yo-your own journey, d-do you mi-mind if I-I come with?" she stammered, her hands began to shake.

Milo smirked, grabbing Eddie, lifting her up to the bar "I would love to have you come with me!" Milo hugged her, Eddie smiled and hugged him back.

Hunter smirked, "shut up," she whispered. Hunter smiled when he heard Milo make some sort of a clicking or maybe a growling sound.

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