EP.72|The Wedding Ceremony (PART 5)

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EP.72|The Wedding Ceremony (PART 5)

“What are you doing here?” Ben asked rudely. “I can’t come to my own brother’s wedding?” he leaned up against the door. “Look Lucifer, I don't need you here.”

Lucifer is a sorta tall yet muscular young man. He had light fair skin with cold dark eyes. His hair is spiky black and grows counterclockwise to Ben’s.

His attire is a bodysuit, crimson in color and has a white insignia on several places. The suit has a open collar and exposes his chest. He has silver gauntlets and carries his sword with a strap on his hip.

“Of course you need me here.” Lucifer gripped Ben’s shoulders. “I thought you were in the Blood Prison.” Ben growled. “I got early release for being good.” Lucifer chuckled, Ben raised his eyebrow. “I doubt that.”

“I wanted to see you become king.” Lucifer said, looking down at the people setting up the wedding. “Look at them, scurrying around like ants to prepare for your special day.” Lucifer chuckled.

“You need to leave, now.” Ben glared at him. “Ben...is this…” Zypher started. “Yep. It’s him…” Ben sighed. “Let me think; no.” Lucifer smirked. “Now, where is the blushing bride?” Lucifer clapped his hands together.

“You stay away from her! She doesn't need to go thru what I went thru.” Ben pinned him to the wall. “Feisty, aren’t we?” Lucifer snickered. “Leave now or I’ll finish what I started years ago.” Ben grimaced.

Lucifer rolled his eyes and kicked Ben off of him, pinning him to the floor with his foot.

Ben could feel how much power Lucifer had, it was just as powerful, maybe even more, than the cloaked figure that tried to take Carlos’s magic months ago.

“What are you planning.” Ben glared into Lucifer’s eyes. “Why would I be planning something? Hm?” Lucifer smirked.

“You and your friends are always up to something! Leave me and my friends out of it!” Ben got closer to his face.

“What? Still mad about that incident years ago?” Lucifer cooed. “Oh course I am! I will never forgive you!” Ben yelled. “You know what master says, forgiving is for the weak, vengeance is for the strong.” Lucifer reminded him.

“Don't bring master into this!” Ben kicked Lucifer off of him. “You’re leaving now.” Ben pushed him up against the door.

“Nope, now if you excuse me, I have other business to attend to.” Lucifer walked out of Ben’s room to see the boy VK’s all glaring at him. “Who are you?” Jasper asked rudely.

“The name’s Lucifer. Me and Ben go way back, aint that right Ben?” Lucifer pulled him in close. “Play along or Mal get’s it.” Lucifer whispered as Ben glared at him.

“We go back.” Ben grimaced. “Right, anyways, I didn’t see your name on the guest list.” Hunter raised his eyebrow. “I just got the invite yesterday and I just had to come. I couldn't miss Lil Ben get married.”

“I’m Ze-” “Zeref Aidoneus, son of Hades and Persephone Aidoneus.” he looked at Hunter.

“Hunter LeGume, son of Gaston LeGume and Farrah Faybelle.” he then looked at Jasper.

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