EP.130|Our Last Day On Mimosa Island

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EP.130|Our Last Day On Mimosa Island

CJ and Carlos laid down on the bed, both breathing heavily. "So? How you're spirit now?" Carlos looked at her. "Wonderful!" CJ gasped in pleasure.

"I love the new mark." CJ looked into the mirror to see the mark Carlos put on her. It was a wolf with a sword in its mouth.

"You're mine now." Carlos wrapped his arms around CJ. "I'll always be yours. I'm your beautiful pirate princess."

"Yes, you are. So, princess, you up for round 2?" Carlos smirked. "Yes!" CJ pushed Carlos onto the bed, straddling upon his manhood. "Only thing, are you ready for round two? Cause, I want it hard,"

CJ ran her hands over Carlos's chest "fast" she kissed over his abs "and hot!" her kisses lead up to his neck, Carlos threw his head back, "gods! CJ!" Carlos groaned in pleasure.

"Shh~let the princess work her magic..." CJ whispered.

Hunter ran his hands thru the beautiful scarlet locks that belonged to his Music Note.

She was sleeping soundly, her chest rising and falling. Over the months, Hunter's watched Operetta's sleep patterns so much that he knows what she's like in her sleep.

As creepy as that sounds, it was true, whenever Operetta had a good dream, her leg would get jumpy.

If she was having a nightmare, her nose would crinkle. If she had a very interesting dream about Hunter, she would start shifting around in bed, mumbling his name.

"Hunter...," she mumbled. Hunter smirked, leaning in closer. Operetta's breathing hitched, she was panting.

"My my, I wonder what the little Music Note is dreaming about." Brazzan chuckled. "Like you had to ask?" Hunter rolled his eyes.

Operetta shot up, her cheeks were red as her hair, she was breathing heavily. "Oh my...oh my gods and goddesses..." she muttered.

"Morning my Music Note." Hunter wrapped his arms around Operetta's waist, pulling her back down. "Looks like you were being mighty naughty Music Note," Hunter whispered tenderly.

"Hu-huh-huh?!" Operetta squeaked. "I hear you when you dream. You sound beautiful and sexy." Hunter licked Operetta's mark on her neck.

"So, today is our last day on the island? What should we do?" Operetta asked as Hunter sucked on the mark, she gasped. "I and the girls are gonna go to the beach. You can come if you want."

"I would love too."

Later that day, the VK's, Ben, Ranee, and Velvet were all on the beach.

Evie laid on the warm sand with her sunglasses on, looking up at the sun.

Jasper smiled as he took out his sketchbook and began drawing his muse once more.

Evie chuckled, even though she knew she was Jasper's muse and the two have been dating for more than a year now, she still found it funny that someone was drawing her.

The only time someone drew where was the cartoon sketches you see at the pier. But other than that, she's never been a person's muse before.

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