EP.111|Even If It Means Death

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EP.111|Even If It Means Death

After a massive fight between the VK’s and the guards, Freddie pinned on of the guards to the floor with her foot on his chest.

Her eye cold and filled with a lavender fire.

“I’ll ask you this once, and I better like your answer. Where. Are. My. Parents?” Freddie voice was coated in venom.

“I-I-I do-don't know!” the guard under her foot stammered “th-there are tho-thousands of peo-people in here! How ca-can I poss-possibly kno-know who your pa-parents are?!”

Freddie pushed her foot down harder, making the guard grunt in pain.

“shadows. Acadia and Dr. Facilier. Where are they?” Freddie asked again, her hand coating in a purple and black flames.

“You have 10 seconds or I burn your head to a crisp.” Freddie warned, bringing the flames to the guards neck.

“I don't know!”


“I seriously don't know!”


“Pl-please! I-I have a fam-family!”


“Freddie, just chill.” Ben said but Freddie didn’t listen.


“Pl-please! I don't know where they are!”


“Freddie! He doesn't know!” Ben told her, Freddie glared at him and growled and then faced back to the guard.


“Freddie! Are you not listening?! He doesn't know!” Ben repeated, Freddie inched the flame closer.


“Freddie! Listen! He doesn't know!” Ben clenched her shoulder.


“I don't’ wanna die!” The guard cried.


“Freddie! He doesn't know!”


“They’re on the fourth floor!” the guard finally caved, Freddie sighed and the flame burned out.

“Where?” Freddie asked, picking up the guard by his collar.

“South wing! That’s where they’re keeping the other Shadows!” the guard quivered in fear.

“Others?” Zeref asked. “There are about 1 other shadow in the South Wing!”

“Why?” CJ asked. “I-I don't know, Miss Froggy and Lil Froggy want them there for the big plan.” the guard replied.

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