EP.187|Of Gods and Mortals

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EP.187|Of Gods and Mortals
Later that night, Serenity was awoken by the sound of tapping on her box. She rubbed her eyes to see Kuno pressing buttons on the box, mumbling something about “I”m gonna get killed by doing this,” and “why can't I just leave her alone? It be better if I did…”
Serenity grabbed her dagger from her side, “one step and I cut off your lips.”
Kuno back up a little, but a little part of him was practically purring at Serenity’s reaction. “Will you chill? I’m helping you!” Kuno pulled Serenity out of the box. “Get your hands off of me!” Serenity hissed.
“Do you want to get tortured, or do you want to leave?” Kuno wagered. “Leave…” Serenity muttered. “Good,” Kuno held her hand, a spark flowing through the both of them “follow me and let me do the talking.”
Kuno lead Serenity outside to see others of Araden subordinates, they were all staring at Serenity, some back flirtatious signs at her. Kuno growled at each and everyone of them.
“What are you staring at?!” Kuno growled deeper, holding Serenity closer. “Nothing sir!” the minions squeaked. “That’s what I thought,” Kuno walked into his room, closing the door.
“Take these,” Kuno threw her a robe and some towels, “go wash up and make sure you wash off your scent.”
“My scent?”
“Ocean breeze,” he passed her honey scented body wash, “use this honey one.”
“No way! I’m not rubbing off my ocean scent!” Serenity scolded, dropping the robe and towel. “Fine,” Kuno passed her some PJs “you’re sleeping here tonight.”
“No! Take me back to the box!” Serenity growled. “No,” Kuno pulled Serenity down onto the bed, Serenity struggled to get free, “just stay here.”
“But nothing, just stay here alright, we’ll continue in the morning…” Kuno turned to his side, drifting to sleep. Once Serenity noticed this, she tried to sneak away but Kuno growled.
“Where are you going?” He raised his eyebrows. “What?” Serenity mouthed in shock, he didn't even open his eyes. “I can sense you,” Kuno grabbed her wrist, pulling her down into his arms “I told ya,” he leaned in, “you’re not leaving just yet~”
❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉
Freddie was worried, out of the ten of them only herself, CJ, and Ben hadn't been tortured yet. She’s seen what Araden done to them, Freddie knew she couldn't go through reliving her painful memories.
“He won't touch you,” Zeref whispered, biting her earlobe a little bit, “Ben’s healed everyone so if he tries anything on you, CJ, or Ben, we’ll back you up.”
His hands ran down her sides, marking out all her curves with his fingers. Freddie hummed, tilting her head back a little, giving Zeref access to her neck.
“You’re magnificent,” he whispered tenderly, his hot tounge finding the pulse point on her neck. Freddie moaned slightly, not wanting to be too loud she’d end up waking the VKs
“Zeref~” his hands went under her shirt, trying to find her bra, “please don't tease me, darling.” Zeref just smirked when his hands reached her breast, they were incredibly soft and bouncy.
“How do you not play with these all day?” he rhetorically asked, making Freddie chuckle. “You boys are mysterious, you’ve see my breast so many times, but now you’re acting like you’re seeing the fountain of youth or something.” Freddie giggled.
“Can ya blame me?” he gave them a soft squeeze, Freddie moaned, “if these things make you sound hot as fuck, you best believe I’m going to play with them.”
His fingertips messaged her breast, Freddie tried to stay quiet but Zeref knew her weak spots. A part of her felt kinda hoe-ish for being so loud, but another part of her didn't care. She wanted to scream his name so loud the gods above heard them.
He left one hand on her chest while the other tailed down to her thigh, feeling just how hot she was. “Zeref...wait,” he stopped all his movements and looked up at her.
“Something wrong?”
“No, it’s just, it’s been so long since we’ve had some alone time like this, I don't want to spend it inside a box where I might get tortured.” Freddie sweatdropped. “I guess you’re right,” Zeref laid down on her lap, enjoying the feeling of Freddie’s fingers combing through his hair.
Zeref smiled, something about her was just so irresistible. He couldn't couldn't believe he was her boyfriend. His lips bit her lip slightly, asking for an entrance that she seductively denied.
“Work for it,” she smirked, her hands trickling down his chest, “make me forget wanting to be with any other man.”
Before Zeref parade of love making onto her, Araden knocked on Freddie’s box, the young god growled sand got off Freddie, sighing in disappointment.
“Awe, don't look so sad, she’ll still scream your name,” Araden snapped his fingers, flashing Zeref into Ben’s box “for you to end her suffering.”
“No...please, she’s been through so much.”
Araden snarky chuckled, “cute,” his eyes focused on Freddie’s medalionion, “you still have the medallion,” he reached out for it, Freddie snatched it away from him.
“Hands off,” Freddie growled, shielding it from the demon “what gives you the right to even touch my medallion after everything you did to me, my family, my friends.”
“I’m gonna be the future king of this world,” Araden stood over her, Freddie just glared, he was really getting on her nerves.
Freddie scoffed and rolled her eyes, “please, the one and only king and queen I’ll respect is Ben and Mal.”
Ben smiled graciously at Freddie’s words. He always believed that the Villain inhabitants of the villain islands would never accept him as a king and there would never be peace.
But hearing Freddie say he respected him brought a certain warmth to his heart that Ben hasn't felt since he’s been in this box.
Araden eyes darted towards the young king, he scrunched up his fist, “that? That thing is who you want to rule!?”
“Hey!” Ben yelled, obviously offended. “It’s not like you wanted to be king anyways.” Zypher reminded him, Ben sighed and agreed.
“Yes!” Freddie stood her ground, “over the years, they’ve had some horrible leaders, and their rule reached over to the Villain Isles. The Hero Rulers put us villains in chains just to see us suffer.”
Everyone stood silent, not wanting to interrupt the tamiki user’s rant.
“But when we finally got freedom after the Hero and Villain war, villains saw the light for the first time in centuries. We were able to actually live, not a perfect life but it was our own.” Freddie’s held her hand to her heart.
“All the things I’ve seen, I’ve experienced, all the growth I’ve had is thanks to that man,” she pointed at Ben, “if it weren’t for him, I would have been either in jail or dead.”

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