EP.16|Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Tea Party Madness For Us All Part 2

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EP.16|Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Tea Party Madness For Us All Part 2

“So it looks like you guys have it pretty rough over here.” Ben observed. “Yeah, but we make the best of it.” Lori smiled. “How?” Ben asked. “Yeah, we have it rough. But it molded us into what we are today.” Alistair added. “Most of best stories in my life happened in the Villain Isles.” Jasper reminisce.

“This town, it’s nothing like the stories I’ve heard.” Ben said. “Let me guess, they told you that this place was haunted and that we’re all curse? And that we are demon spawns?” Hunter asked as Ben nodded. “Come on, the party is already underway!” Maddie cheered as they entered Motormouth Tea party dance party where it was already in full swing.

“Maddie!” Everyone cheered. “Y'all hungry for some good fun?” Maddie asked taking out her wand. “Bring on that pecan pie, pour some sugar, only sugar don't be shy” and with a swish and flick of her wand a pecan pie appeared in her hands with sugar being poured on it. “Scoop me up

a mess of that chocolate swirl.” Maddie smiled as she licked scooped of some of the chocolate swirl, eating it. “Don't be stingy.” Maddie face her finger in Alistair's face. “I’m a growing girl.” Maddie shifted her body against Alistair’s before pushing him away playfully.

“I offer big love.” Maddie shot wand into the air small heart firework appear. “With no apology. How can I deny the world all of me?” Maddie winked.

“I’m not afraid to throw my weight around, pound by pound by pound!” Maddie walked around the room, not ashamed of a damn thing.

“Because I'm. Bad, blue & beautiful.” Maddie thru her hands into the air. “Face the fact. It's simply irrefutable!” Maddie smiled. “No one wants a meal that only offers the least. When girl, we're serving up the whole damn feast!” Maddie then moved the blue tablecloth revealing a massive array of food.

Maddie then the walked out and walked up to Maddie and her friends. He has toned dark and light, curly auburn hair and is tall. He wears a satin pink suit complete with a large toned purple collar, a white shirt and green buttons.

He wears dark pants and shoes along with black gloves, white cuffs, a light blue bow tie and accessories with two earrings on the left ear. Of course, he is never seen without his signature top hat.

“Dad! You made it!” Maddie cheered hugging him, The hatter then saw Ben. “Well I’ll be. Looks like you took a step out of bounds.” The Hatter chuckled. “I’m very pleased and scared to be here.” Ben said as The Hatter shook his hand.

“Oh honey, we have more reason to be scared on your Isle. Give me a sec.” Hatter then looked to his left. “I told you to put that record down before you scratch it!” Hatter scolded. “Shall we dance?” Zeref asked Freddie. “Sure.” Freddie smiled as they went onto to the dance floor.

Mal and Ben began dancing. “Ben aren’t you gonna get in a lot of trouble?” Mal asked, genuinely worried for Ben. “Your not planning on tell my parents are you?” Ben asked as Mal shook her head laughing.

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