EP.186|Behind The Curtain

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EP.186|Behind The Curtain
Evie sighed in relief, she sat on a beautiful island, the warm sun kissing her skin. “Mama! Look! Me and Poison Apple were looking through the island and we found these flowers!” Raja showed Evie the bouquet of blue flowers.
“Oh Raja, these are adorable! We’ll put them in a vase at home, why don't we go inside for lunch? I think your dad’s cooking.” Evie smiled at her daughter as she raced inside to see Jasper cooking burgers.
“The food smells delicious honey,” Evie rested her hand on his forehead, kissing his cheek. Jasper smiled when he saw the mark on his neck “so, I see the mark is settling in nicely.”
“More than nice, do you know how long I waited for you to mark me?” Evie chuckled, wrapping her arms around his waist. “You’re so warm…” Evie cooed, she will never get enough of Jasper’s warmth.
“Why don't you take a break from cooking? We can eat outside, and you can see my need bathing suit~” Evie ran her fingers down his chest. “Ev-Evie…” Jasper purred in delight “you little mix.”
“Awe, I thought I was your sapphire?” Evie smirkeds slyly, she grinded her chest against him. Jasper wanted so badly to pin to the table and rip off that bath suit.
“You do remember Raja’s here, right?” Evie reminded him. Jasper clutched the spatula, Jasper looked behind him to see Raja eating outside with Hunter and Operetta’s twins.
Evie walked to the door, gently closing it as she leaned against the door, playing with the fabric of her wrap.
Jasper, quick as lightning, rushed over to his mate, “gods I’m so glad these walls are soundproof.” he licked over his mark, Evie gasped, throwing her head back.
Evie traced over his scales, Jasper felt a burning passion lightning inside of him. He loved it when she did that. “Fuck, I haven’t even touch you yet and you’re already making me want to scream your name.”
Evie smiled and discard her wrap, watching Jasper’s eyes lit a fire in them “mine…” he licked his lips, “you’re my mate.”
Evie smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck in a loving fashion “forever and ever.”
Evie shot up and sighed, ever since they got into these boxes, her dreams have become shorter and shorter.
And they always ended at the best parts.
She looked at Jasper, “at least someone is having a good dream.”
Jasper purred, his scales flashing a bright red, Evie wondered what he was dreaming about.
“Oh Jasper! Gods! Harder! Harder!” Evie called out his name in pleasure “I-I-I’ve never thought -- OH! -- being with a dragon would be invigorating!”
Jasper smirked at his mate, “I never knew humans pleasure can skyrocket by a little touch!” Ioaz laughed, humans were hilarious to him.
Jasper dug his fangs into her neck, Evie felt like she could finish right there and then, her eyes rolled into the back of her head “ah~! Ah! AH!” Evie yelled, Jasper licked over it, seeing it drew a little blood.
He whimpered, rubbing his nose against the mark, Evie laughed and hugged her dragon “it’s alright, it only hurt for a sec.”
Jasper took in her blueberry scent that was mixed with a little bit of his scent, now dragons knew she was his.
Everyone knew she was his.
Jasper woke up to see Evie gasing at him “good morning my blueberry.”
“Morning my dragon.” Evie smiled, running his fingers through his hair.
“Disgusting!” Araden groaned. Jasper growled. “Mine…” Jasper held Evie close. Araden laughed, “awe, Ioaz thinks he’s special.” Araden cooed, “he isn't.”
Araden snapped his fingers, teleporting Jasper to Hunter’s box, “today I wanna focus on the sapphire.”
Araden smirked at Evie, flashing into her box, “my my, it’s about what they say about sapphires,” Araden pinned her to the wall “they do shine beautifully.”
“But alas,” he backed away, “I won't be the one hurting you today.” Araden flashed out, smirking as he pulled up a chair “he will.”
Araden whistled, calling in Kuno, Jasper’s eyes flashed red “MINE!!” Jasper roared, Kuno smirked.
“I told ya she’s always been mine.” Kuno taunted, Araden flashing him into Evie’s box. Jasper pounding against the box, “mine! Mine! Mine!” Jasper hit his head on the box, drawing blood.
He whimpered, backing away from the wall, “Ioaz,” Brazzan took control, trying to calm down Jasper, “chill, Evie’s strong, she’ll be okay.”
“But nothing,” Brazzan assured him, “Evie’s gonna be fine, give Jasper back control.”
Ioaz nodded, giving back control to Jasper. He fell to the floor, he still wasn’t used to Ioaz taking over. “Shit…” he cursed, rubbing his head.
His eyes locked with Kuno, “get away from her!” Jasper yelled. Kuno just smirked. “Why don't we give the two some privacy? Hmm?” Araden snapped his fingers, a curtain being covered over Evie’s box.
For a while, they couldn't hear anything or see anything. Jasper began to pace back and forth, he was worried, not worried, parrinoid. “What if she’s hurt? What if she died? What if something happens?”
“Jasper,” Hunter rested his hand on the Jasper’s shoulder, “Evie’s alright,” he looked at Operetta, “right baby?”
“Ye-yeah!” Operetta looked away from the two, “please gods and goddesses, protect her.”
“Operetta I can't take this! I have to see her!” Jasper raked his hands through his hair. “Jasper...that’s not a good idea.” Operetta muttered.
“Please Operetta, I’m dying...I-I-I got t-to know sh-she’s okay.” Jasper could feel tears forming in his eyes. Operetta’s motherly instincts kicked in, brining Jasper in for a hug, “I’m sorry for what you’re about to see.”
Operetta touched Jasper’s forehead with her fingers, Jasper’s eyes glowing white.
He watched as Evie suffled to the back corner of the box, her clothes ripped, her eyes puffy and spilling tears “ple-please!” Evie coughed up blood, “no-no more!”
Jasper growled, scrunching up his fist.
“I’m having so much fun playing with you.” Kuno smirked, his fingers running down her chest. Evie shook her head, “no! I-I-I-I...Jas-Jasper!”
“Shh...shh...forget about the dragon,” Kuno kissed her neck, it was the same place she wanted Jasper to mark her, “and be with me.”
“N-NO!” Jasper yelled, his eyes turning back to normal. “Evie! Evie!” He banged on the box, “please! Stop this! Please Araden!” Jasper sobbed.
Araden just chuckled, “alright, I guess the little blueberry was bound to break at one point.” 
Araden snapped his fingers, Evie box’s curtin raised to reveal Evie’s tattered body. “Evie!” Jasper yelled, he looked at Ben, he nodded and flashed Jasper into Evie’s box.
“I hate that you know that!” Araden countered by flashing Kuno out of Evie’s box before Jasper could land a strike on Kuno.
Jasper ran to her side, “Evie, Habibti (my love), please...wake up…” Jasper softly rubbed his hand against her cheeks.

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