EP.76|The Wedding Reception (PART 3)

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EP.76|The Wedding Reception (PART 3)

Milton sat in his prison box, still reading the Pablo Neruda poem book. “Milton.” A voice emitting from the shadows said.

“Lucifer.” Milton flashed a smug grin. “So, everything's going according to plan?” Lucifer smirked.

“Exactly as we planned.” Milton smirked as well, sipping his coffee.

He didn't want to do this, but he had something he need to protect at a cost.

“Good, the others should be on the way soon. Then our real fun will begin.” Lucifer cackled.

Lucifer nodded and went back into the shadows. Milton noticed a glimmer of light in the top corner of his box.

“I can see you Jester.” Milton chuckled as the said Jester walked towards him. “He’s back…” Courtly sighed.

“Yes, he’s looking for Nirvana.” Milton added. “Oh…” Courtly sighed.

Milton then hugged her. “M-Milton…” Courtly stuttered slightly.

“I did this...this is my fault...if it weren’t for my stupid mistake, you would’ve been okay.” Milton muttered. “Milton.” Courtly lifted up his face.

“Don't blame yourself. Please. I didn’t like it years ago, I don't like it now.” Courtly said, kissing Milton’s lips softly.

“But, years ago...It was so peaceful... the kingdoms...they weren’t divided. But now, Lucifer... Nirvana... Courtly, I’m so sorry…” Milton sobbed.

“Milton, please, stop blaming yourself. Please.” Courtly pleaded, kissing him again.

“But-” “Milton! Are you listening?! This was bound to happen. Don't worry.” Courtly planted butterfly kisses on his face.

“I love you, Milton.”

While Milton and Courtly were in the basement of the temple. The VK’s and Ben were upstairs enjoying the reception.

“So, I was thinking we try something new tonight.” Mal said to Ben. “Like what?” Ben asked.

“Well…” Jasper then appeared out of nowhere, right in the middle of them.

“You can tie each other up, eat stuff off each other, role play, toys, BDSM, three-way, you can do it in the shower, you can do it in a public place, fantasies, Mal could be then dominate while Ben is the submissive or vice versa, you can add a little danger, games, set the mood, sexting, dirty talk, hot candle wax, there’s tons of other ones but I don't think Ben would be up for it.” Jasper explained as everyone looked at him shocked.

“I don't think I’ve ever been turned on in my life.” Evie said, kissing Jasper. “Do you know all this?” CJ asked, a little afraid of the answer.

“I have my ways.” Jasper winked. “Leave it to the pervert to know all the sex stuff.” Carlos chuckled.

“Wait, that last one. What was that again?” Mal asked, intriguingly. “The candle wax?”

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