EP.38|You Thought You Could Get Away With, Didn't You?

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EP.38|You Thought You Could Get Away With, Didn’t You?

“Zeref…” A voice echoed in his dreams, Zeref looked around to see he was in a dark, zero light. “Zeref...” The voice echoed again. “You thought you could get away with, didn’t you?” The 4 ghost spirits asked, a girl and 3 boy.

“Go away…” Zeref muttered, fear filled his eyes. “You can’t be real… I’m dreaming again...this can’t be real…” Zeref said, scooting back from the ghost.

“So, you killed another one?” 1rst boy ghost asked. “Wh-What?” Zeref stuttered. “You killed her. You killed Freddie. And I thought you said you loved her? How could you?” The female ghost taunted.

“What are you talking about?” Zeref asked in shock. “I would never kill Freddie. I love her more than I’ve ever loved anything.” Zeref added, looking back at his shadow to see a man with an evil smile plastered on his face with a hole where his heart should be, holding a bloody knife.

“If that’s true…then why is her blood on your hands?” The 2nd male ghost asked.

“What…?” Zeref asked. “Look at your hands, Zeref.” The 3rd boy ghost echoed as Zeref slowly looked down to see they were tainted.

With blood.

He was in such a state of shock, he almost blacked out. His thoughts raced wild thinking the worst. “You KILLED her. She cried for help. You killed her anyways!” The female yelled.

“See? You’re just a killer! And that’s all you’ll ever be!” The 1rst boy ghost scolded, the words burning into Zeref’s brain. “But… I love her…” Zeref managed to say. “W-wasn’t that supposed to be enough?” Zeref added.

“Wasn’t that supposed to save her?!” Zeref yelled. “You knew from the start that nothing you can do will ever be enough.” The 2nd boy yelled back.

“And now, you’ve killed her! You’ve killed the only person who ever loved you back!” The 3rd boy laughed evilly. “No one will ever be safe.” The girl laughed also. “Especially not you.” The 1rst added.

“You’re just a wretched.”


“Freak!” the ghosts yelled.

“Who would ever want to be loved by you, anyways? You’d only kill them. That’s all your good for!” The female yelled. “That’s not true…” Zeref muttered.

“This can’t be tru! I didn’t kill her! You’re lying to me!!” Zeref yelled. “Surely, I would've remember something about it if I did!!” Zeref added.

“Even if it wasn't true...do you even truly love her?” The 2nd boy asked. “Of course I do! Why else would I be having a horrible nightmare about her dying?!” Zeref scowled.

“But, she had a nightmare about you. Do you really think she love you?” The 3rd boy asked slyly.

Zeref didn’t know the answer to that question, did Freddie love him back? Why would she? After everything he’s done.

Nobody could ever love him. Right? But, the slim possibility of Freddie loving him back felt like hope to him. Hope that he hasn’t felt in a long time.

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