EP.45|That Shitty Father And Mother

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EP.45|That Shitty Father And Mother

Jasper sat on the roof, looking at the moon. “Jasper.” A voice said, getting her attention.

“Go back to sleep, blueberry. It’s late.” Jasper said, the said “Blueberry” looked at Jasper. He hadn’t slept in weeks. Ever since she found his notebook, he’s been so shut off. All she saw were two pages.

“I’ll go if you come with me.” Evie looked at the ground, Jasper stood quiet. “I need to be alone.” Jasper sighed. “...That’s what I thought so too but…” Evie sighed. “Your not okay.” She added.

“Your eyes are cold, Jasper. You’re avoiding us, the VK’s, Ben, and me. All you do is train but you barely sleep or eat. You’re hurting yourself. It feels almost like you’re slipping away…. It scares me you’re allowing whatever is bothering you conse you. If you only talked to me about it. Maybe-” Evie was then cut off.

“Nothing is wrong! Stop this shit! You’re so damn stubborn!” Jasper yelled. “I told you to leave me alone.” Jasper growled.

“STUPID JASPER!!! I’M WORRIED ABOUT YOU, DON'T YOUR SEE?!!” Evie yelled, roundhouse kicking him. “W-What the hell was that kick for, you demon?!!” Jasper scolded. “Shut up stupid! I had enough!!” Evie yelled.

“Ugh, if you can't talk to me about it then at least talk to the boys! But don't close your heart, Jasper…” Evie muttered the last part, but Jasper heard it. I beg of you Evie whimpered a bit, looking at him, hoping he would say something. “I’m going in then.” Evie sighed.

“I hate it! I hate looking so vulnerable and weak to you!” Jasper growled as Evie stopped in her tracks.

“If you can already see it then I’m doing a poor job at hiding it. There’s just too much shit I can’t stop thinking about...trying to understand how I feel is driving me mad, Evie.” Jasper groaned, moving some of his hair back.

“My aunt tried to reach me all those years and I never understood until she was gone. The place I was getting used to calling home is now gone and I can’t wrap my head around it. Worst of all? I dare comfort a child like my cousin when I can’t even deal with my own baggage. So pathetic.” Jasper buried his head in his arm. Evie started crying silently.

“And that shitty father… To think he was always close...he saw me at my worst and he didn’t do shit! All I wanted was a sign…” Jasper could feel his tears falling.

“Shit! Why did he leave?! It’s like he didn’t give a shit about me! All these years chasing his shadow...but he never saw me as his son!” Jasper cried as Evie crouched down in front of him.

“He did. I’m sure of it.” Evie assured him. “He sacrificed himself for your sake, Jasper. His life was devoted to you.” Evie said, Jasper’s had resting on her shoulder. “Your father, Jafar, loved you deeply.” Evie whispered.

Why is it...that only...her words and touch...can soothe my heart this way? Jasper felt the way her heart beats the same time as his. Thank you, Evie. Jasper smiled.

Freddie and Zeref laid in bed, eating a bowl of cherries. Zeref looked at her balance the cherry on her tongue as she slowly swirled her tongue around her, putting it back into her mouth.

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