EP.84|The Jester, The Devil Child, The Swan, The Bookworm, and The Wolf (Part 1)

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EP.84|The Jester, The Devil Child, The Swan, The Bookworm, and The Wolf (Part 1)

“I still don't think this is a good idea.” Ben scoffed. “I agree, he hurt us once, who’s to say he won’t hurt us again?” Carlos agreed.

“He won’t. I know Milton, he won’t betray us again.” Giles assured them.

“And you know this how exactly? He’s the one who led Lucifer here in the first place!” CJ pointed out.

“Milton’s our best bet at finding Courtly, he knows Lucifer better than anybody.” Giles said.

“But there has to be another way to find Courtly other than Milton’s help.” Evie said as Giles shook his head.

“I know after everything he did it’ll be hard to accept the fact that he’s changed but we have to put that aside right now and focus on finding Courtly.” Giles stated.

“You’re his brother, you should know better than anyone how dangerous he is.” Hunter said.

“Of course I do, I also know just how much this mission means to him.” Giles looked thru the door window, leading to the infirmary to see Freddie healing Milton.

“He may not look it but Milton wasn’t always evil at heart.” Giles sighed.

“What do you mean?” Jasper asked. “He means that I wasn't always like this.” Milton groaned, getting up from the cot Freddie was healing him on, holding his stomach.

“I highly doubt that.” Mal scoffed.

“If you just shut up and listen you might learn a thing or two.” Milton grunted, sitting in a chair.

“Why would we ever listen to you?” Operetta scowled. “Cause, I wanna find Courtly just as much as you do.” Milton said.

“Why? It’s not like you ever cared about her. Or Giles for that matter.” Ben rolled his eyes.

“Look kid.” even though he was still severely injured, he somehow had the strength to wrap his large hand around Ben’s throat and pin him against the wall.

“You maybe be king, but you don't know a damn thing about me. You say I didn’t love Courtly? Or cared for my brother? Please, you don't know half the shit I went thru.”

“Some people aren’t fortunate enough to be born into a family where everything is bring to you on a silver platter.”

“But the rest of us had to struggle to get to where we are today. And that struggling got the people I loved hurt.”

“I’ve loved Courtly since the day I saw her with my own two eyes, and I’ve loved my brother since the day he was born.”

“You have no idea what it’s like to lose the person you love to your worst enemy!”

“The entire time I was knocked out all I saw was Courtly’s face and Lucifer ripping her away from me!”

“All I ever did was love Courtly! You have no idea how much love I have for that damn Jester!”

“I get it that you “King” and think you know everything and your the strongest ever, but where I come from, babies have way higher Magi levels than you.”

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