EP.133|A Strange Craving

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EP.133|A Strange Craving

The next morning, the VK’s were all packed up and ready to head to the Demonic Islands.

“Are you sure she’s there?” Hunter asked Mal for the umtenth time. “Yes, Hunter, Midnight said that the portal Lucifer pushed Operetta in lead to the Demoic Islands.” Mal answered.

“Good, I can't want to punch Lucifer in his stupid face. He has some nerve taking my Operetta.” Hunter’s eyes slowly turned red. “Simmer down, Hunter,” Mal slapped him upside the head, his eyes turned back to normal “we don't even know if Lucifer is on that island.”

“There’s a good possibility he is though, I mean, him and Operetta went through the same portal.” Freddie pointed out.

“Yeah but it’s Lucifer, wheat if him and Operetta aren’t even on the Demonic Islands at all, he might be sending us on a wild goose chase.” Jasper countered.

“Well we’ll never know unless we get to the Demonic Island!” Mal yelled, she was tired of waiting.

“Wait, where’s Ben?” Mal asked, Hunter sighed and rested his hand on Mal’s should. “Mal, Ben he-”

“Hey honey, sorry to keep you waiting. I must have overslept.” Ben interrupted, kissing Mal’s cheek. “I told you to wake up. See, this is wake you get for staying up late” Mal taunted her husband “you were saying Hunter?” Mal asked.

“Nope, nothing at all.” Hunter said as Mal walked forward, catching up to Evie. “So, you chose?”

Hunter asked. “Yeah, couldn't leave you of all people to protect Mal.” Ben smirked. “Good--WAIT!!! What’s that’s supposed to mean!” Hunter scolded.

Ben chuckled, slapping Hunter back comedically, “I’m kidding, if I were to die, I want you to take care of Mal.” Ben smiled, coming up behind Mal and hugging her.

“Good morning my Demoness.” Ben whispered. “Don't “Demoness” me. I told you not to stay up late talking to Hunter, and what did you do? Hmmm?” “stay up late talking to Hunter.”

“Exactly! This is what you get.” Mal said, Ben rolled his eyes and picked up Mal, slinging her over his shoulder.

“Ben Beastly! What are you doing!!” Mal yelled, Ben laughed. “They’re so cute.” Evie gushed, soon being picked up by Jasper. “Jasper!! Put me down you stupid Snake Boy!!!” Evie yelled.

“Hey Snake Boy, race ya!” Ben smirked, “you’re on!” Jasper smirked back as the two started running.

“Jasper!! This is f**king insance!!!”

“Ben!! I order you to put me down!”

The two boys didn't listen. That’s it!

Evie and Mal both kicked their boyfriends in the back, allowing the girls to fall to their feet. Both of the men laid on the ground, groaning.

“The hell is wrong with you two!!” the girls scolded. “Ow…” they groaned. “Ben, you’re supposed to be king! Why the hell would you do something so stupid!?” Mal scolded.

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