EP.152|Slime Vs Shadows

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EP.152|Slime Vs Shadows

Freddie’s father was the Dr. Facilier, or more commonly known as the Shadow Man, he’s done some bad things in his past, and he’s trying to fix them. Which makes him have a target on his back.

Sometimes, this puts Freddie, Acadia, and Facilier Sr. in danger. After what happened on Zuo island, Freddie felt like somebody has been watching her every move.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when reached her father’s voodoo shop, it was practically covered in slime, “what the hell is this?” Freddie stuck her hand in it causing it to burn.

She quickly retracted her hand, shaking off the slime. She put some gloves and put her hands on the slime.

“Tamiki: Clearing Wipe.” she swiped her hands over the slime, making it disappear. Freddie opened the door but Voodoo flew at her, scratching her face “tamiki: Sealing Bubble!”
A purple bubble surrounded Voodoo, trapping her inside “Voodoo! Are you insane?! It’s me!” Freddie released her from the bubble, Voodoo hooted happily.

“Yes, I missed you too,” Freddie noticed the slime on Voodoo’s wings “what’s with all the slime?” Voodoo and Freddie dashed inside to see the entire place was also covered in slime.

“Why is everything covered in slime?” Freddie used her clearing swipe again. She walked into the back room to see 3 large cocoon looking shells stuck on the wall, she tried using her clearing wipe but it didn't work.

“Tamiki: Sword Dance!” the sword cut the slime cocoons enough so that Freddie could see the face. They were her parents, and her grandpa, “m-mom? Da-dad? Gra-Grampy?”

“Isn't live art lovely?” a voice behind her sighed delightfully. Freddie turned around to see it was none other than Tatiana.

“Why are you here? I thought you died during the incident on Zuo island?” Freddie glared at her. “Well, you thought wrong,” she shrugged “Araden has the perfect way to reconstruct a body.” Tatiana rolled her head back.

“I don't care about your body! I want you and your stupid slime out of here before I kill you!” Freddie ordered.

“Okay, 1” she held up one finger “it’s not slime! It’s mucus!” “that’s disgusting” “and 2,” she held up two finger “you shouldn’t be worried about me, you should be worried about him.”

Freddie turned around to see Facilier stepping forward, his eyes bright green, he unsheathed his weapon. Instead of his cane, it was a sword, a very sharp one at that.

“Da-Dad?” Freddie stuttered, “what-” but before Freddie could finish, Facilier yelled “tamiki: Shadow Scream!” one of her own attacks was sent barreling towards her.

She swiftly dodged the move and yelled out “tamiki: Striking Flash!” Freddie charged at Facilier. He grunted as she was knocked backwards.

Freddie returned to her normal form when she faintly her Tatiana chanting a curse. Then, a huge multiple headed dragon emerged from the slime.

Seeing she was distracted, Facilier charged at her and knocked Freddie into the wall behind her, causing the wall to break and for them to fall into the outside world.

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