EP.10|Thank You, For Breaking Up With Me

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EP.10|Thank You, For Breaking Up With Me

In our last crazy episode of Good At Being Bad, ended in a crazy cliffhanger! After a small celebration for Evie winning the Fashion Show our V.K's and Ben went backstage only to find the unthinkable!




The next morning, the VK’s, and Ben, sat in the food court all shocked by what they saw. “Um, Ben, buddy, how you feeling?” Hunter asked delicately. “My girlfriend is a lesbian. In 3 months, I’ll be the king that has a lesbian for a queen.” Ben stammered.

“Hey, maybe it was an accident. Maybe it was for a dare.” Freddie guessed. “Nope, she looked to into it for it to be a dare.” Evie sighed. “Drunk?” Jasper asked. “Nah, Winter and Briar never touched a drop.” Operetta answered. “High?” CJ asked. “No, they don’t smoke.” Mal answered. Ben then buried his head in his arms.

“My girlfriend’s a lesbian.” Ben grumbled. “Maybe she’s bisexual.” Carlos guessed. “I don’t think so.” Evie sighed. “What am I gonna do!” Ben voice was shaky. “Just tell her that you saw her kissing Winter and you just wanna know what’s gonna happen to us in the future.” CJ answered. “Yeah like that’s so easy.” Jasper rolled his eyes.

“You know who you should ask.” Hunter started. “Who?” Ben asked. “C.A Cupid, she’s cupid’s daughter so obviously knows about this. She know about all the love going on in this school. She’ll be your best bet.” Hunter answered as Ben nodded and got up from the table and walked out of the food court.

“I can’t believe my girlfriend is a lesbian.” Ben sighed as he walked up the stairs to the the west tower. Once he reached the top of the west tower he knocked on a pink door with a heart and angel wings on it. “C.A!” Ben yelled, knocking on the door. The door opened revealing C.A.

She has curly pink hair with bangs and pale pink lips with a darker pink heart shape. She has light pink eyeshadow. She wears a pink halter dress with feathery cap sleeves and black lace edging the skirt. The skirt is pink and covered in white clouds and black arrows.

She has black tights. Her accessories include a bronze feather bracelet and black arrow ring, and a black and bronze belt half made of feathers, half made of chains.

Her wings, a dusty white with bronze paint on the front, are attached to a bronze bent arrow necklace. Her headband features a pink arrow-pierced heart attached to bronze laurel leaves. Her shoes are bronze, winged heels, possibly a reference to Hermes' winged sandals. The heels are arrows piercing a heart.

“Hey Ben, I just finished up a my broadcast of C.A On The Air, so what’s up?” C.A asked. “I need help.” Ben started. “With what?” C.A asked as they both entered her room and sat down on they lounge chairs. “Well, yesterday, I kinda saw something. I think...I think…” Ben struggled with his words. “You think Briar’s a lesbian.” C.A finished for him.

“Yeah, and I don’t know what to do! I’m worried, what if I end up having a queen who is a lesbian! Not that I’m homophobic, believe me I support the LGBT community. I’m just worried that if Briar goes with Winter, I won't have a queen! And my parents are gonna be super disappointed.” Ben sighed.

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