EP.74|The Wedding Reception (PART 1)

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EP.74|The Wedding Reception (PART 1)

Once the Mal and Ben got into the car that was gonna drive them to the reception, Ben couldn't help but pin Mal to the seat and kiss her.

“Ben...we aren’t...even at the honeymoon yet.” Mal laughed. “It’s been 4 month! I haven’t kissed you in four months! You know how hard it is not to kiss you.” Ben growled.

“Aww Ben, you're cute, but Animalistics already had their season. It’s demons turns now.”  Mal smirked as she snapped her fingers, her poofy dress turning into a simple white and purple one. She then filled Ben over, now she was on top of him, and her smirk grew.

“So you looked at the moon didn’t you?” Ben chuckled. “You bet your hot animalistic body I did.” Mal growled. “We have 3o minutes till we get to the reception hall.” Ben reminded her. “In 30 minutes. We got time.” Mal smirked taking off his shirt.


Hunter and Operetta were both in the reception hall, cleaning and getting ready for the reception.

Hunter glanced over at the young redhead, watching her as she dutifully cleaned a table, her rear sticking up in the air and giving him a marvelous sight.

She laughed at something Perdita said from her perch on her shoulder, and Hunter couldn't help but smile.

Her smile, her laugh, her eyes... everything about her made him smile... at least, on the outside.

On the inside, he was fighting a war.

It took all of his willpower to push back Brazzan’s suggestions but, even then, he would be smacked in the face with the sheer force of his dark self trying to break free.

His words were so tempting.

“Take her, claim her, mark her, make her yours. Fuck the life out of her, make her scream your name as she falls into nirvana all over your” Hunter shakes his head to clear Brazzan’s perverted suggestions fogging his brain.

It was all so tempting... but he would never do something like that to Operetta.

She was his light, the person he cared most about. She deserved to be treated, er, properly.

“Go on, just have a taste of that sweet virgin. A taste won't hurt.” Hunter frowned as he realized he was about to give in.

He steeled his will and locked the beast away in the depths of his mind. “No, not even a taste.” Hunter sighed.

“If I were to so much as kissed her while I was in this unstable state, I’m would lose control.”

“And hurt her. Again.”

No, anything but that. He would never want to see Operetta hurt, physically or otherwise. He looked back at the girl, who was completely oblivious to his inner struggle.

She glanced up and smiled sweetly at him, a cute blush coming to her face.

He smirked at this, his eyes full of mirth. She was so cute and naive and innocent. The poor girl probably didn't even realize the extent of her own feelings for him, even though it was obvious to everyone around her that she was in love with him.

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