EP.112|Thank You, Freddie Facilier

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EP.112|Thank You, Freddie Facilier

“Grampy!!” Freddie cried, hugging her grandfather. “I knew you get the message Freddie.” Facilier Sr. smiled, hugging his granddaughter back.

“We have to go, Grampy. They have this bomb...and the medallion…” Freddie looked down to see her medallion was cracking.

“We have to find your father.” Grampy managed to stand up, his legs shaking.

Being a fairly short man for his old age, Freddie placed Facilier Sr on her back and began running.

“Your father is on the verge of dying.” Facilier Sr stated. “How do you know?” Freddie asked.

“Think of the medallion as a lifeline for you father. If you split it in half, your basically cutting you father’s lifespan in half.”

“Since your father’s side is already in the bomb, your side is all he has left. But now since it’s cracking, your father is at the end of his rope.”

Freddie noticed the building ceiling started crumble, she started to run faster.

“Dad! Dad!” Freddie called out, the medallion began to grow brighter.

“He’s close.” Facilier Sr said. “Freddie?!” A raspy voice called out, Freddie ran all the way to the end of the hallway to see Acadia and Facilier, who were barely breathing.

“Dad! Mom!” Freddie quickly hugged her mother and father. “Freddie, your father-” Acadia started.

“I know, he’s almost dead. We need to get dad to his half of the medallion.” Freddie said as Acadia put Facilier on her back, the two running down towards the lavender flower bomb.

“Any luck getting the medallion out?” Freddie asked as Jasper tugged on the medallion. “Nothing, we’ve used every attack in our disposal but nothing seems to work.”

Freddie took a closer look at the bomb to see it was filled with souls. She placed her hand on the bomb causing it to crack and explode, releasing the souls.

“Well aren’t you dumb.” Tatina cackled, the souls forming into a giant monster. “This is what you wanted?!” Freddie roared, stomping towards Tatina, holding her by her collar.

“Oh honey, this is only one part of the plan. Lucifer knew this would happen, he knew you touching the bomb would release all the souls.” Tatina laughed more.

Freddie dropped Tatina and raced outside to see the shadow monster terrorizing the island.

“How the hell do we stop that thing?!” Operetta yelled. “Take my parents back to the bar, whatever you do, don't stop running!” Freddie yelled as she ran towards the monster, but someone grabbed her wrist.

“I’m coming with you.” Zeref said as Freddie shook her head. “This is something I have to do on my own Zeref. If anything happens, I love you.” Freddie kissed Zeref passionately, as though it be the last time she would.

Freddie continued running towards the monster trying to get it’s attention, she hopped from building to building till she finally hopped onto a building high enough for the monster to see her.

“Hey!” Freddie yelled getting the monster’s attention “I know you’re mad! I get it, I wouldn't like to be locked up either!” Freddie began, the monster lowered down to her height.

“I’m sorry Tatina, Miss Froggy, and Froggy Prince took your bodies away and put your souls in the lavender flower bomb. But, raging out at the town isn't the answer.”

“This is what they want you to do! They want you to be a monster! Show them your different, show them you can be a gentle monster!”

The monster shook its head and continued to rampage.

“Hey! Did you not just hear me?! Look, I’m sorry they did this to you! But my dad’s life is at stake here, if I don't get that medallion back from you my dad will die!”

“I get it that your mad! But please, I can’t lose my dad! He’s the one who raised me! I’ve done a whole lot of terrible shit in my days but my dad has always been there when I was low or needed someone to cry on!”

“You may not get it because you may not have someone who loves you, but I do! I have a lot! And one of the most important ones are about to die! Now please! I need you to stop!”

The monster didn’t listen and just kept rampaging.

Freddie couldn't take it anymore, she scrunched up her fist and yelled.


Freddie’s eyes grew a bright lavender. “No way…” Facilier Sr muttered. “Kagechikara…” Alex gasped.

Zeref then noticed that his shadow was gone along with everybody else’s shadow.

Freddie began to manipulate nearly all shadows from anything, let it be, the shadow of a tree, person, or any object.

These shadows jump from the ground and formed into a pair of two lion heads made of shadows on her fist.

“I don't care who you are or what you did, but if you hurt my family I will annihilate you!”

Freddie charged for the monster, her fist colliding with it causing a large explosion.

The souls released, turning white as the clouds as they floated up to the sky.

Freddie fell to the floor, she was so exhausted she couldn't remember anything, but before she passed out, she could hear the faint words of the soul saying.

“Thank you, Freddie Facilier.”


Hey guys! Sorry again for the short chapter! I promise they'll get longer! I don't know about you but it's freezing where I'm at.

-3. It's -3 degrees! Wtf! Like how the hell is my school still open when it's -3 degrees!

Why?! I think my school doesn't care if I freeze on my way yo school. Like they could care less.

Honestly, my school sucks! I finally finished all my finals and I'm exhausted! Especially my algebra finals!

Like, honestly, when will I ever need to know how to find domain and range of something when I wanna be a writer when i grow up??

Anyways! Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Vote and comment! We're so close to 1k reads!

Please share this story with your friends.

Also, I got this comment on the first chapter of my book a couple days ago from some guy wanted me to put by book on a site called Buddread. What is that?

Is it a wannabe wattpad or something? Should I put my book on there? Put your answers in the comments.

Sugar_And_Spice125 💕

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