EP.177|Memories From Long Ago (Part 3)

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EP.177|Memories From Long Ago (Part 3)

"My gods, Evie, that story was amazing!" Operetta cheered. Evie chuckled "thank you, but a part of me still feels bad that I never got to stick it to Kuno and his family."

"That's it," Jasper rose from the booth, walking into the back room where Cosmina kept an eye on Tinkerbell

"Jasper?" Cosmina rubbed her eyes, yawning a bit.

"I know you're working with Araden." Jasper stated. "So, what's it to you." Tink scoffed, looking away from Jasper.

"I want you to tell me where Kuno went and where the hell they're keeping Mal." Jasper demanded. "Do you really think I'm that dumb-" Tink was cut off by a fireball just barely grazing her face "I want answers, Tink!"

"And I want to get out of this chair, so I guess we're both not getting what we want!" Tink laughed, a cocky smile on her face.

Jasper growled, his eyes flashing red, he kicked the chair, pinning it along with Tink to the wall "enough with the games, Tink, tell me where he is or I start burning wings."

"I'm sworn to secrecy." was all Tink said. Jasper hands coated in fire, launching his fist towards her wings "JASPER!" Ben's voice stopped Jasper's fist.

"What?" Jasper snarled. "That's not how we do things." Ben reminded him.

"Well maybe we should reconsider that!"

Jasper was about to punch her again, but Hunter grabbed his fist "trust me, it's not worth it."

Jasper looked into his friends eyes and sighed, the scales on his arms dying down it's glow die down "go sit, CJ will continue interrogating Tinkerbell."

"You have to learn how to control your anger." Operetta suggested, the VKs sitting outside, looking at the stars.

"It's just harder now with the dragon." Jasper sighed, stroking Evie's hair as she slept on his lap. "You just need to find that one thing that balances out your anger." Zeref suggested.

Jasper looked down at Evie and smiled "I guess I already have that."

"Big Sis! When you went through the portal, did you see anything?" Freddie asked. "Act-Actually, I-I-I did." Operetta stuttered, her face turning red.

"Whatcha see, Music Note?" Hunter asked, kissing his mate's neck. "I-I-I uh..." Operetta face turned more red.

"Don't be shy," Hunter leaned in "I know you aren't when we're alone." he nibbled on her earlobe.

"Well, it started when me and my family got to the NPA." Operetta remisced.

"Mama! This place is beautiful!" Operetta's eyes sparkled with wonder. The National Potions Society building is a giant floating city. It witches hat on the top of the city has a symbol of their 3 main sourcresses.

It houses thousands of sorcerers and sorceresses that live, learn, and research potions and elixirs as well as study curses and how to cure curses.

"Miss Phantom! It's wonderful to finally meet you!" Winifred, on of the 3 famous witches from of Hocus Pocus story, greeted Christine in a huge hug.

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