EP.5|How I Met Your Mother

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EP.5|How I Met Your Mother

Greetings readers, welcome back to the 5th instalment on Good At Being Bad! Last time we left your VK's They just settled down at the academy. We also learned that CJ was the voice Carlos was hearing the night before. What would this voice mean? Find out in this episode of Good At Being Bad!

"Operetta..." A voice rang inside Operetta's head. All she could see was he music box falling into a deep abyss of darkness. The voice sounded so sweet, like it was telling her it was gonna be okay.

And for a split second, Operetta didn't feel incomplete anymore, that moment was soon over in a flash. Operetta woke up to the morning sun gleaming through her window. She slowly opened her eyes and sat up on her bed yawning.

"What was that?" Operetta questioned as she pulled a strand of hair behind her ear. Operetta could still hear the faint voice inside her head. She looked over to the music box winded up letting the music play. A smile appeared on her face as she went into the bathroom.

She looked into the mirror and saw her reflection. She wondered why it looked so different from here, but still looked the same. "Operetta." The mirror spoke causing Operetta to stumbled back a little and fall into the hamper in the bathroom. She couldn't see her reflection anymore it was so foggy.

"Operetta. My sweet little symphony..." The mirror spoke again, Operetta tried to defog the mirror but it was no use. "Wh-Who are you?" She asked. "You always known me Operetta." The mirror answered. "I-I have?" Operetta asked.

"Remember...remember Operetta!" The voice then faded away as the mirror defogger and it showed her reflection again. Operetta rubbed her eyes with great speed, hoping that this was another dream, but it wasn't she was fully awake. Operetta sighed and removed her clothes before jumping into the shower.


After a refreshing shower, Operetta did her daily routine and went down to the kitchen for a beautiful breakfast cooked by Mal. "Woah Mal! Since when did you learn how to cook?" Operetta asked. "I've always loved cooking. It helps me calm down when I need to." Mal smiled as she placed a plate of pancakes, sausage, and bacon. Operetta started drooling. "This smells amazing!" Freddie gushed as she rushed to the table.

"Eat up Freddie." Mal giggled as Evie dropped her books. "Y-Yo-You giggled?!?!?" Evie gasped. "Yeah so?" Mal asked. "You never giggle!!" Evie added. "So why are you now?" Evie asked. "No reason. Let's just say, Briar's gonna get a special surprise on friday." Mal winked as she picked up two more plates and put them on the table for CJ and Evie.

CJ walked downstairs, still obviously asleep. "C...Ca...Carl...Carlos..." CJ toppled over the last step almost hitting the floor, luckily Voodoo and Crackers caught her.

"She's still tired." Evie chuckled as she helped CJ to the table. "You...smell so good...Carlos..." CJ smiled. "I'm not Carlos kid." Evie sighed as she placed CJ in then chain, her head falling onto the table causing her to wake up. "Carlos...? Is that you?" CJ asked. "Hey! WAKE UP!!!" Freddie yelled snapping her fingers in her face. "I'm up!!" CJ yelled. "Morning Miss Deville." Mal smirked. "H-Huh?!?" CJ stammered.

"Sounds like you had a wonderful dream about Carlos." Evie snickered. "U-Um..." CJ trailed off. "That's none of your business!" CJ scolded. "Oh really? So you wouldn't mind calling Carlos in here?" Freddie chewed her pancakes. "W-Wh-What?!?!" CJ face was flushed.

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