EP.98|Brothers No Matter What...Right? (Part 2)

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EP.98|Brothers No Matter What...Right? (Part 2)

As the years went on, both Ben and Lucifer continuously got stronger.

Once day, Dixie and 12 year old Lucifer sat at her table, drinking tea. "So you know?" Lucifer asked as Dixie nodded. "And I think it's time your brother knows too." Dixie stood up, so did Lucifer.

"Dixie, don't want to drag Ben into my problems." Lucifer sincerely said. "Fine, I won't say anything." Dixie sighed, nodding.

Later than night, something was shaking ben slightly, causing him to awake from his slumber.

"Lucifer...?" Ben groggily yawned. "Yeah it's me, come on, I wanna show you something." Lucifer pulled Ben out of bed as the two sneaked downstairs and out of the house.

"Where are we going?" Ben rubbed his eyes, he was still sleepy. "Here" Lucifer moved some vines to reveal a vast, foggy canyon with numerous holes carved out of the dark, dull purple rock faces.

"What is this place?" Ben asked. "It's kinda where I'm from. Well, I'm from the four realms but when it got destroyed they sent us here and I had to start the life cycle all over again inside of mom. That's why me and you are twins."

"This is where the teleport pods used to be." Lucifer pointed to the the holes in the mountain.

"Woah." Ben then noticed the giant black crystal. "What's that thing?" Ben asked, pointing to it.

"Eh, it's just some old Four Realms junk, from a long time ago. It's probably busted by now"

Lucifer walked to the right while Ben looked worriedly at the crystal, he chuckled and motions to a hole in the side of a cliff.

"Hey Ben! Loo! Here's the hole I was teleported to! Then when mom was pregnant with you I was teleported to her stomach." Lucifer explained.

"Huh?" Ben raised his eyebrow. "It's my hole" Lucifer chuckled and slides into the entrance of the hole

"look--it's me size" he slides into the hole and sits, sighing in relief "still got that good hole smell."

Ben glances up at the other holes higher on the cliff side, they seemed to be filled with some sort of black and red goo. "So, what about the other holes?"

"Don't tell him, he'll get in the way getting Swan back!" the voice inside Lucifer head scolded, Lucifer nodded. "Don't worry about that."Lucifer chuckled.

Suddenly, Dixie stomped in, her face filled with anger. "There you are!" Dixie yelled. "Great" Lucifer exits the hole "here comes the fun police"

"The maids said you'd be here, but I didn't want to believe it. Lucifer, what were you thinking bringing Ben to a" Dixie then whispered the next part "The Canyon!?"

"I don't know" Lucifer kicked a pebble "we were in the neighborhood."

"Dixie-sensi, was Lucifer really from the Four Realms?"" Ben asked innocently.

"How much did you tell him?"

"What? You mean about the bad thing? How this bad place is where demons from the Four Realms and sent back to the four realms only when their old enough to come back and grow more demons? Is that what you're talking about?"

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